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Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

Da The Travel Eater By Costanza Saglio @CostanzaSaglio

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard, la vena pulsante del quartiere latino parigino. Una via lunga e vivacissima, dove troverete all'incirca... tutto. Il meltin' pot parigino, le specialità culinarie, i ristoranti tipici e i ristoranti di importazione (vi ricordate Assiette aux fromages?). E poi, la domenica, trovare il grande mercato.Pesce, carne, formaggio, frutta, verdura, libri, dolci, cucina francese, italiana, orientale...Uno spettacolo pantagruelico per ogni tipo di palato. Imperdibile anche solo per una passeggiata e una sbirciata. Ecco le foto:
Rue Mouffetard, the vein button of the Latin Quarter in Paris. A long and lively street, where you can find almost ... everything. The melting pot of Paris, the culinary specialties, local restaurants and restaurants import (remember Assiette aux fromages?). And then, on Sunday, you'll find the big market.
Fish, meat, cheese, fruit, vegetables, books, cakes, cuisine from France, Italy, Eastside ...
A gargantuan spectacle for every palates. You can't miss it even just for a walk and a sneak peek. Here are the pictures:

Il pesce:
The fish:

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, Francephotograph: Giacomoperiod: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, Francephotograph: Giacomoperiod: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

La carne :
The meat:

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Giacomo
period: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

I dolci:

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

Il pane:
The bread:

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

I libri:

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

I formaggi:

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

La frutta e la verdura:
Fruits and vegetables:

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

I prodotti italiani:
Italian products:

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

location: Paris, France
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: may 2012

Ce n'è per tutti i gusti non vi pare? Inoltre si tratta di una zona davvero piacevole di Parigi, a cui ormai sono affezionata. 
Voi la conoscete? Vi è venuta l'acquolina in bocca? Su cosa vi avventereste innanzitutto?
Direi che il mercato in Rue Mouffetard deve avere origini antiche: guardate cosa ho trovato su, data 1896
There's something for every taste, is not it? Moreover it is a really nice area of Paris, which now I feel as mine.
Did you know it? Have you got the mouth watering? On what do you swoop first?
Evidently the market on Rue Mouffetard has ancient origins: look what I found on, dated on 1896
Rue Mouffetard - the great food market in Latin Quarter, Paris

A presto!

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