Magazine Arte

Street art museum - muu - croatia

Creato il 24 settembre 2012 da Darioujetto
The Street Art Festival is a new project by the Street Art Museum – MUU during which about 30 painters and conceptual artists from Zagreb's Dugave neighbourhood will try to make the biggest street museum in Croatia between September 1 and 15. Taking the city as its canvas, the project uses space in pursuit of creative dialogue among visitors, art and the urban landscape. Organizers hope that the museum and activities undertaken under its auspices will offer a unique experience for tourists visiting Croatia. The idea is to take often neglected city streets and buildings and turn them into art spaces. What is MUU? 'Street Art Museum (MUU) is a project dedicated to forming a more coherent street art scene in Croatia, and raise people awareness about street art and it's esthetic, cultural and social value. Street Art Museum doesn’t have it’s own space, working hours or pompous exhibition openings. It’s all about urban interventions and how they reflect our reality and the impact that they have on our surroundings. Our aim is to bring art into neglected parts of the city where there is no cultural content. Since culture bears great importance in society growth this is our priority. By changing the city we are changing people as well..'. Image by Isaac Cordal.

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