Magazine Scienze
La canzone è scritta e interpretata da A.J. Jenkins, il video è di KidsTV123
Il testo della canzone in lingua inglese.
I am the sun. I'm a burning ball of fire. I'm very big indeed.
Life on earth depends on me. I am the sun.
I am Mercury. I'm the closest planet to the sun.
I'm a ball of iron -- I have no moons. I am Mercury.
I am Venus. I'm the same size as the Earth but I spin the other way and much more slowly.
I have no water -- I am Venus.
I am the Earth the place. The where we all live. There is land and lots of sea so I look blue.
I have a moon. I am the Earth.
I am Mars. I'm a rocky, red planet. My mountains are the highest in our solar system.
I have 2 moons. I am Mars.
I am Jupiter. I'm a gas giant. I'm the biggest and I spin the fastest. I have the biggest moon. I am Jupiter.
I am Saturn. I'm a gas giant. My rings are made of ice. Titan is my biggest moon. I am Saturn.
I am Uranus. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the coldest planet in our solar system. And I have rings made of dust. I am Uranus.
I am Neptune. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the farthest planet from the sun. I have many storms. I am Neptune.
We are The Solar System.
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