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WinSxS l’inferno delle dll

Creato il 07 giugno 2010 da Evilripper

Windows Fat History

Nessuno ne parla ma dentro il vostro windows c’è una cartella che nasconde l’infame sistema delle dll!Ebbene cara microsoft alla fine gli accrocchi si pagano sempre e toccherà portarceli dietro per chissà quanto tempo per mantenere la compatibilità con il passato. Di certo Winsxs continuerà a crescere parola di Joseph Conway


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So yes, the WinSXS folder is very large, and it will continue to grow as the OS ages. I hope that this clears up some of the questions about why that is, and what you can do about it. Note that the Windows servicing structure and the layout of the store is subject to change.
Joseph Conway
Senior Support Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support

Le dimensioni di questa cartella [C:\WINDOWS\Winsxs] sembrano aumentare a dismusura negli ultimi so della microsoft, infatti a un mio collega che ha Windows Vista questa cartella porta via 14 gigabyte di spazio! :-D
A casa non ho controllato se mi ricordo lo farò stasera. Se vi finisce lo spazio dell’hard-disk date un occhiata a quella cartella, tuttavia se vi occupa molto non potrete fare NULLA perchè non c’è soluzione(a meno che non reinstallate un altro OS)!:-D

Questo utente afferma che winsxs occupa 60GB sul un windows server 2008 in questo post del forum microsoft

I have may Windows Server 2008 installed with Hyper-V role in the production environment. This Server has saveral VMs running. C partition is 68 GB which is now 100 kb ramaining. Winsxs folder has accupied 60 GB space which is frustrating me plz some one help me to get rid of this.

Mentre qui (sempre nel forum di supporto) viene spiegato a un altro utente a che cosa serve questa cartella.

You posted some very, very bad advice on that website you referenced.
The WinSxS folder is ’supposed’ to have duplicates of system and other components files. This is one of the main reasons for it being created in the first place.

If you remember “DLL Hell” where you would have software installation programs that would overwrite system dll files with their own versions and cause other programs to break in the process. This was a huge problem and the WinSxS folder was created to solve this problem.
WinSxS contains multiple versions of many files so that a program can use whatever version that it was created for, without bothering other installed software programs on the system.
Deleting duplicates in this folder will have only one result. A complete reinstallation of the operating system and other programs
Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP

Non toccate nulla di quella cartella altrimenti rischiate di distruggere il sistema operativo l’unica cartella che si può svuotare(io non ho provato quindi a vostro rischio e pericolo) è questa
dovrebbe servire solo a windows update.

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