Giornata convulsa
si rincorrono voci
la Merkel deve aver calato un po' le brache...insieme a Sarkozy....(oggi i telefoni dei leaders sono stati roventi)
Poco fa l'euro è decollato al rialzo sull'annuncio che la BCE s'impegnerebbe a comprare BTP Italiani (e bonos spagnoli)
Ma in cambio ci chiede....riforme immediate...(??)
Italy are to speed up privatisation, labour market reform (?????)
Italy are to speed up privatisation, labour market reform, and Italian government will announce balanced-budget amendment
Berlusconi e Tremonti in conferenza stampa straordinaria alle ore 19.
Staremo a vedere...
La news è piaciuta (per ora) alle Borse USA: da -1,8% di Dow Jones a +1,26%...
Si vede che la Lehman-Italiac'entra un filino nel patatrac diffuso degli ultimi giorni....:-)
Bce potrebbe acquistare bond Italia e Spagna se Berlusconi garantisce riforme (Reuters)
The Euro Goes Boom, After ECB Hints At new Italian Bond Buying Campaign
Europe isn't done for the day!
The euro just exploded higher after reports about the ECB being willing to buy Italian debt IF Berlusconi brings forth various reforms.
ECB expects Italy to fast-track welfare reform, fiscal rule for bond purchases according to sources close to talks
ECB ready to buy Italian and Spanish bonds if Berlusconi commits to bring forward specific reforms according to sources
EU leaders applying intensive pressure on Berlusconi to make an announcement according to sources Stocks, Euro Surge On Another Central Bank Intervention Announcement: ECB Ready To Buy Italian, Spanish Bonds
It Just Got Worse: Italian Treasury Just Announced It Will Not Sell 3 Month Bills At The August 10 Auction
Attendiamo la conferenza stampa congiunta di Berlusconi e Tremonti
sperando non sparino troppe MINKIATE...;-)