Adobe Reader X 10.1.4 & Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.271

Creato il 16 agosto 2012 da Mocoworld @mocoworld

Adobe Reader X 10.1.4 & Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.271

Rilasciati due nuovi aggiornamenti da casa Adobe.

Il primo è Adobe Reader X versione 10.1.4, famoso programma per leggere, stampare e analizzare file in formato PDF. Il lettore può essere usato in forma indipendente oppure in modo integrato con il tuo browser (avviandosi all’apertura di un filePDF da Internet).

Note di rilascio:

Application Security

This release provides mitigations for vulnerabilities described in the security bulletin at For details about security configuration, see the Application SecurityGuide.


Like Reader 10.1 and later, Acrobat 10.1.4 installs ARMsvc.exe as part of the Updater on Windows 7, Vista, andServer 2008, Acrobat 10.1.4. The new service enables silent and automatic updates on machines where a userhas configured the application for automatic updates. The service eliminates information dialogs prior toupdates. In enterprise settings, IT can use DISABLE_ARM_SERVICE_INSTALL=1 to prevent the installation ofthe ARM service.

Adobe online services

UI elements associated with Adobe online services integrated with the product are more visible in the Toolspane.

Reader’s Export PDF service now supports conversion to .doc and .rtf.

Bug fixes

Browser performance and support

See also the system requirements section.

3186477: Forms rendered by LiveCycle FormsIVS, and other interactive PDFs do not display in the browser onmachines with a French OS.
3205703: Stability is improved for Reader Enabled PDF forms viewed in a browser.
3083363: PDFs viewed in a browser LiveCycle Workspaces hangs when a web service call is made in the exithandler.
3154101: Linearized PDF browser download performance using Fast Web View is slower than 9.x products.
3109556: The Reader browser plugin has a limit of 490 web service calls from a PDF.
3111436: for PDFs in IE the open parameter “#toolbar=0″ is not honored when using the OBJECT tag onsecond document load.


3147502: Product performance slows when using a pen-pad and 3rd party software to sign a document multipletimes in a single session.


3153925: In Reader, enabling Javascript one-time only from the Yellow Message Bar doesn’t work.
3169993: The JS API exportAsFDF result in a NotAllowedError run from some applications embedded in aReader ActiveX control
3230098: Acrobat’s Protected View prevents email PDF Attachments from opening in Lotus Notes.

Rendering and PDF display

3198279: 10.x products can copy watermarks (this was supported in 9.x products).
3155773: Links whose text includes field text from the destination bookmark are transferred to subsequent textin resulting PDF


3021528: Unable to delete pages after Save
3135768: Link Properties dialog will not open for MS-created PDF´s Link Annotations
3178253: Dynamic stamps that require user input are recognized across the complete review workflow.


Il secondo è Adobe flash player, versione

11.3.300.271, uno dei plugin più importanti per browser web, necessario per fruire della maggior parte dei contenuti multimediali presenti su Internet.

Note di rilascio:

This release includes bug fixes related to general stability, audio, and video.

New Features

Security Enhancements
This release consists of security enhancements as listed in Security Bulletin APSB12-18

Fixed Issues

Known Issues
Audio distortion issues when streaming Flash content(3212648)


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