Aggiornamenti dalla rete di LinkedIn, 19/11/2012

Creato il 19 novembre 2012 da Bernardrieux @pierrebarilli1




LinkedIn Aggiornamenti della rete, 12 nov - 19 nov




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Collegati con questi professionisti per scoprire le loro attività

Frederik Proß Medieninkompetenz: ein selten diskutiertes Problem ... - personalblogger



Medieninkompetenz: ein selten diskutiertes Problem ... -...




Es setzt eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Facebook, Twitter & Co. (und auch mit dem Thema e-Mail) voraus, um Funktionsweisen sauber nutzen zu können. Collegati con Frederik · Commenta

Susan Misner Can a luxury vehicle be a good investment? Kim Kardashian kicks the tires on a $2 million car



Can luxury vehicles be a good investment | Personal Finance | Golden...



When Kim Kardashian goes car shopping, you just know she’s not going to settle for any old car. Recently, the famously wealthy Kardashian kicked the tires on a $2 million Pagani Huayra – the first to become available in the... Collegati con Susan · Commenta

José Pichel Andrés Estimular la generación de nuevas neuronas, uno de los temas que he comentado hoy en la SER



Investigadores del IBFG estudian cómo estimular la generación de...



Esta línea de investigación supondría una alternativa terapéutica para luchar contra las enfermedades del sistema nervioso que suponen un deterioro neuronal, como el alzhéimer, el párkinson o la esclerosis... Collegati con José · Commenta

Naomi Jeffreys



(500) Days of Summer Review




Words by Benjamin Pinsent **** This is not so much a romantic comedy as a thesis on relationships. As the title suggests the film follows five hundred and one days in the life of Joseph Gordon Levitt as he meets, falls in love with and is dumped by... Collegati con Naomi · Commenta

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Questa email era destinata a Franco Bifani (pensionato presso Otaku News Network). Scopri perché è incluso. © 2012, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

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