[Aggiornata] Uncharted 3 : imminente la patch 1.02 per la beta,ecco i cambiamenti

Da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PS
[Aggiornata] Uncharted 3 : imminente la patch 1.02 per la beta,ecco i cambiamentiMentre scrivo dovrebbe essere già online in America, presto lo sarà anche da noi. Parlo della patch 1.02 per la beta di Uncharted 3, annunciata ufficialmente tramite twitter e da Christophe Balestra nella fattispecie, vice presidente di Naughty Dog.
In tempi brevi dovrebbero essere rilasciati dettagli specifici, vi terrò aggiornati.
Come pensavo e auspicabile, ecco il log completo delle novità di questa patch :
Last place team in Three Team Deathmatch now gets placed into Observer Mode in Sudden Death
Disabled the accumulation of medals to stack Medal Kickback activations. Now, if your Medal Kickback is waiting to be activated, you cannot earn more medals that count towards your Medal Kickback counter until you have activated your current Medal Kickback. Players will still be awarded medals
Disabled the activation of a Power Play after 40 kills have been reached in Team Deathmatch
Increase the minimum time between Power Plays activating from 30 seconds to 60 seconds
Made updates to reduce the long Matchmaking wait times some players were experiencing
Fixed an issue where some in-game objects would not be able to be picked up by players
Fixed an issue where the idol in Plunder would not reset properly. The Plunder idol will now reset to one of the specified idol spawn points
Fixed an issue in which the team with the least amount of kills could potentially win in Sudden Death even if they finished the game with less kills than the first place team
Fixed issue with the game timer hitting 0:00 in Co-op Hunter and the match not ending properly
Fixed instances where some players would take damage through the shield in Co-op matches
Fixed issues which caused some players to experience trouble connecting to Multiplayer
Fixed an issue where some PS3 consoles would hard reset under certain circumstances
Added support for early generation HDTV sets that do not support 720p by enabling 1080i upscaling
User Interface
Change “Found Player” notification to reflect the actual player ID in the Matchmaking screen after having completed a match
Reduce the waiting time before the vote count down after a match from 30 seconds to 15 seconds
Added an option in the Display menu for disabling Uncharted TV
Sound from Uncharted TV now plays through TV output instead of the headset
Enabled Facebook functionality that was temporarily disabled. Players can now use their PS3 linked Facebook accounts to view the online status of their Facebook friends, send invites, and join parties
Invite notification now appears in the Multiplayer Lobby. Notification will appear as a red asterix in the Invites tab.
Added an icon in the upper right corner of the screen to indicate that your buddy wants to High Five. Only appears when you and your buddy have created a “buddy kill” situation and the blue “buddy kill” icon appears on your screen.
New font for in-game text and menus
Added additional data tracking to aid analysis of matches, player behavior, and other technical information by Naughty Dog

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