Anche il consumo di bevande alcoliche causa il cancro.

Creato il 02 novembre 2015 da Retrò Online Magazine @retr_online

Dimostrato scientificamente che il consumo di bevande alcoliche causa il cancro (già nel 2012).

La International Agency for Research on Cancer, la stessa agenzia dell’ Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, che qualche giorno fa ha pubblicato il suo studio sulla relazione diretta tra il consumo di carne rossa e di carne processata e l’insorgenza di alcune tipologie di tumore (nei casi di abuso di tali prodotti), aveva già inserito il consumo di alcol tra le ormai 116 cause certificate di insorgenza di tumori nel corpo umano.

Nel suo studio pubblicato nel 2012  la IARC certifica che l’insorgenza del Cancro è legata all’etanolo, presente in quantità differenti in tutte le bevande alcoliche:

There is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption causes cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, colorectum, liver (hepatocellular carcinoma) and female breast. Also, an association has been observed between alcohol consumption and cancer of the pancreas.

For cancer of the kidney and non Hodgkin lymphoma, there is evidence suggesting lack of carcinogenicity.

There is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of acetaldehyde associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Acetaldehyde associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages causes cancers of the oesophagus and of upper aerodigestive tract combined.

There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of ethanol.

There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of acetaldehyde.

Alcohol consumption is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).

Ethanol in alcoholic beverages is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).

Acetaldehyde associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).

In reaching the second and third evaluations, the Working Group took the following into consideration:

  • The epidemiological evidence of the carcinogenicity of alcoholic beverage consumption shows little indication that the carcinogenic effects depend on the type of alcoholic beverage, with ethanol being the common ingredient.
  • Upon ingestion of alcoholic beverages, ethanol is converted into acetaldehyde, which is then oxidized to acetate.
  • Ethanol and acetaldehyde are both carcinogenic in experimental animals.
  • There is sufficient epidemiological evidence showing that humans who are deficient in the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate have a substantially increased risk for development of alcohol-related cancers, in particular of the oesophagus and the upper aerodigestive tract.

Oltre a questo studio, cui i mezzi d’informazione sembravano non aver dato alcuna copertura, al contrario del più recente focalizzato sul consumo di carne rossa e processata, vi consigliamo anche l’articolo apparso sul sito, per avere una panoramica più approfondita di tutte le oltre 478 possibili, probabili e certe cause del Cancro ad oggi rilevate.

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