Concerned not to neglect the faithful distracted by the football World Cup the precept of the five daily prayers, the Saudi religious police in Riyadh has set up "mobile mosques" to pray during games. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Preventing Vice has made place mats for prayer in front of coffee and premises where people gathers to watch the games. These "mobile mosques," as he calls the religious police, are to ensure that the faithful not to forget to observe the precept of the sunset prayer, which falls during a match of the day. Last night, the call to prayer coincided with penalties drawn by Paraguay and Japan to decide which of the two National would go to quarters (she won the South American team to 5-3). According to the rules of the Saudi kingdom, which require the closure of all public spaces hour of prayers, The Cave of the coffee giant screens in central Riyadh, which broadcast the game live, have been turned off. The agents of the religious police have rolled out the carpet on the sidewalk, while the call to prayer was spread through the speakers of a van, equipped with taps to enable the faithful to carry out the ritual ablutions. "It is a practical means to enable all to pray," said Khalid al-Rusais, the team leader of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue sent there. 'No problem, we lose five minutes of the game, "commented Firas, a Jordanian of coffee drinker. In a statement published on its website, the religious police said they have taken the initiative to "allow young people in the World pray in due course, as the races will take place in the passionate moment of prayer." Often criticized the Saudis for his strict enforcement of Islamic morals, the religious police monitors especially so restaurants and other public places Saudis close during the five daily prayers.
Arabia saudita, moschee mobili per conciliare calcio e preghiera - saudi arabia, movable mosques to accomodate football and prayer
Creato il 30 giugno 2010 da RollingballsConcerned not to neglect the faithful distracted by the football World Cup the precept of the five daily prayers, the Saudi religious police in Riyadh has set up "mobile mosques" to pray during games. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Preventing Vice has made place mats for prayer in front of coffee and premises where people gathers to watch the games. These "mobile mosques," as he calls the religious police, are to ensure that the faithful not to forget to observe the precept of the sunset prayer, which falls during a match of the day. Last night, the call to prayer coincided with penalties drawn by Paraguay and Japan to decide which of the two National would go to quarters (she won the South American team to 5-3). According to the rules of the Saudi kingdom, which require the closure of all public spaces hour of prayers, The Cave of the coffee giant screens in central Riyadh, which broadcast the game live, have been turned off. The agents of the religious police have rolled out the carpet on the sidewalk, while the call to prayer was spread through the speakers of a van, equipped with taps to enable the faithful to carry out the ritual ablutions. "It is a practical means to enable all to pray," said Khalid al-Rusais, the team leader of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue sent there. 'No problem, we lose five minutes of the game, "commented Firas, a Jordanian of coffee drinker. In a statement published on its website, the religious police said they have taken the initiative to "allow young people in the World pray in due course, as the races will take place in the passionate moment of prayer." Often criticized the Saudis for his strict enforcement of Islamic morals, the religious police monitors especially so restaurants and other public places Saudis close during the five daily prayers.
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