Are Marketing Stunts Your Friend or Foe?

Da Inonno @luca_lovesapple

As a businessperson getting "thrilling marketing ideas" to make your social media marketing news business an exponential success are very much a possibility. You want to skyrocket your sales and establish your brand in a given period of time. To say, it is a fair deal to take marketing risks because if successful, results can be extremely rewarding. As a startup, home business owner, LLC or S-Corp owner risk might not be a new word for you. But it stays the "alarm" you must consider. Calculated risks don't just make successful businesses but also long-term businesses. Risks taken by evaluating the repercussions are the foundation of business growth. This law is applicable to marketing ideas as well. So, let's take a look at whether the really enticing marketing stunts can be your friend or foe. How Does The Marketing Stunt Affect My Brand Name?

When you go to a PR agent or a marketing expert, he/she might give you a brilliant stunt to shock the media. He/she might tell you that this will bring your brand in the news on an immediate basis. This might make you jump off the chair with joy. Suppose, you sell vegan food items, your marketing expert might ask you to poke a cleaver in a watermelon with a slogan "Eat Veg". This particular ad campaign may also try to show the juice of watermelon as it's blood. Additionally, it will have you giving out a nasty smile as you "kill" the watermelon. Surely, it will make headlines and you will be all over the place but for all wrong reasons. This will kill your brand along with the watermelon as you will be selling "cruelty" and not vegan food. So, it clearly means that your stunt should vibe with your brand identity. Instead of doing any such risky stunt, you can organize a school kids herb planting campaign; where children are asked to speak about the health significance of their herb. This will give you "good will" audience and will increase your client base as children influence their parents.

How Much Should You Spend On Your Stunt? Fancy stunts pulled off by big brands may be enticing even to small business owners. But they are highly expensive. Along with that, they carry bigger risks. Big reputed brands are expected to behave in a certain way by a large number of audience and their one wrong step can cost them dearly. It is both financial and credibility loss. Therefore, one thing you must remember is that you can pull of a reasonable fancy stunt but make sure it is within the budget. Start with Facebook, Twitter or YouTube campaigns and let the viral media do the rest. Allow your employees to participate as much as possible and don't keep them unhappy. Give them incentives. A small employee incentive is more effective than hiring those big marketing companies. Besides, it will also increase a feeling of loyalty and belongingness among your employees. Through mouth and social media publicity you will automatically connect with thousands of people in a short period. It will save you good amount of money and increase your sales along with your brand value.