Boca Juniors forward Martin Palermo could miss the World Cup. Not for technical questions, indeed, Maradona dotes on him in preference to Milito and the coach strongly wanted him in 30 players Seleccion list. The reason revolves around the legal problems with his ex wife, Lorena Baricchi. The woman accused Palermo of having concealed part of the assets held in Uruguay just before the divorce. At the request of Advocate defender, Dr. Maximiliano Rusconi, the forward would have to remain under house arrest until the end of the process. If this request was accepted he would be forced to stay in Argentina and don't participate to the World Cup. The first and certainly the only chance for the player, he's 36 years old.
Argentina, mondiali a rischio per palermo, la ex chiede i domiciliari – argentina, danger world cup for palermo, his ex asks house arrest
Creato il 15 maggio 2010 da RollingballsBoca Juniors forward Martin Palermo could miss the World Cup. Not for technical questions, indeed, Maradona dotes on him in preference to Milito and the coach strongly wanted him in 30 players Seleccion list. The reason revolves around the legal problems with his ex wife, Lorena Baricchi. The woman accused Palermo of having concealed part of the assets held in Uruguay just before the divorce. At the request of Advocate defender, Dr. Maximiliano Rusconi, the forward would have to remain under house arrest until the end of the process. If this request was accepted he would be forced to stay in Argentina and don't participate to the World Cup. The first and certainly the only chance for the player, he's 36 years old.
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