Barrios Competition 2010 rules

Creato il 15 marzo 2010 da Cristiano Porqueddu @Cristiano195

§ 1
The Associazione Musicare organizes the VI edition of «Agustin Barrios International Guitar Competition». The Competition is open to guitarists of all nationalities who have not won the First Prize in the past editions.

Along with the application form, candidates should enclose:
a) a receipt for the transaction of € 60.00
b) A photocopy of an identity document
c) One recent photo
d) A Curriculum vitae
e) Concert programs, reviews and any document that the candidate considers relevant.

Registration will take place sending by mail the required documents, with the registration form signed by the candidate. The names of the Judges will be given to the press and to candidates who have completed their registration.

The participation fee must be credited within November 15, 2010 by:
Bank transfer
Associazione MUSICARE Via Ugo la Malfa 51 08100 Nuoro (Italy)
Swift Code: BPSAIT3SXXX IBAN : IT48B0567617300000003050856
State : IT CIN 1 : 48 CIN 2 : B A.B.I. 05676 C.A.B. 17300
Account no. 000000350856 della Banca di Sassari - Agenzia di Nuoro
Credit Card: through the site

First Round (Qualifying Round, November 19, 2010):
A program of about 10 minutes, including:
1) Agustin Barrios «Julia Florida» (Melbay / Zen-On / Ricordi)
2) free choice of pieces by the candidate

Second Round (Semi-final, November 20, 2010):
A program of about 15 minutes, including:
1) Agustin Barrios «Escala y preludio» (Melbay / Zen-On / Ricordi)
2) At least one piece by Agustin Barrios chosen from the following: Preludio en la menor,
Estudio No.3 en mi menor, Vals op.8 n.3 (Edizioni : MelBay / Zen-On / Ricordi)
3) free choice of pieces by the candidate (excluding those performed during the Qualifying Round)

Final (November 21, 2010):
A program of about 25 minutes, including:
1) Agustin Barrios «Romanza en imitación al violoncello» (MelBay / Zen-On / Ricordi)
2) at least one piece in form of Sonata or Sonatina of XX° century or contemporary
3) free choice of pieces by the candidate (excluding those performed during the Qualifying and Semifinal round)

Exclusively original works for guitar are admitted. The judgement about interpretation will include an evaluation of the musical quality of the program proposed by each candidate.

1) The competition will run from November 19 to November 21, 2010
2) On November 19, at 10:00 am (Biblioteca “Sebastiano Satta” Auditorium, Piazza Asproni 8 - Nuoro) there will be a meeting with all the guitarists during which the Jury will be presented and the candidates will be informed of the time table of the qualifying round.
3) For entering the qualifying round, each candidate must produce a valid document of
4) Only the Final Round will be open to public.

1) The International Jury will consist of at least five members, of different nationalities and
of established reputation.
2) The following are not allowed to form part of the International Jury: any relative or friend of any of the contestants: anyone who is teaching or who has privately taught any contestant within the last two years; members of the Jury who are teaching at school at present or who have taught any of the contestants in the last two years must refrain from discussions and abstain from voting for their own contestants. This abstention shall be recorded in the minutes. In compliance with this, when the Jury is being sworn in each member shall make a statement as to his/personal position concerning the contestant.
3) If one or more of the members of the Jury are unable to attend the competition, they will be replaced with jurors selected by the organizing committee.
4) A competitor’s performance may be interrupted at any moment considered appropriate by the jury.

1) The final prize will be awarded on November 21, in Nuoro at 7 pm, Biblioteca “Sebastiano Satta” Auditorium.
2) The selection of the semifinalists to be admitted to the final (a maximum of three) will be made by the jury, and it will be based on a simple majority of votes. The jury’s decision is final.
3) In the event of an exceptionally complex result in the evaluation of the finalists, the jury may request all or some of them to have additional trials.

1st PRIZE:
€ 4.000,00 and Diploma;
A handmade classical guitar by Livio Lorenzatti (commercial value € 3.000,00);
Three concerts organized by Associazione Musicare;
Subscription to Italian Guitar Magazine «Seicorde» (1 year).
First Prize is given only with a percentage vote of at least 4 out of 5.

€ 2.500,00 and Diploma;
Two concerts organized by Associazione Musicare;
Subscription to Italian Guitar Magazine «Seicorde» (1 year)

€ 1.500,00 and Diploma;
Subscription to Italian Guitar Magazine «Seicorde» (1 year)

SPECIAL PRIZE «Agustin Barrios»: is foreseen the Agustin Barrios Prize (€ 1.000,00, cash) for the best performance of Barrios works. This prize can be attributed only by unanimously.

The prizes cannot be shared. All diplomas will be awarded in the final round. The payment of prize money will be made exclusively through bank or electronic transaction

The competition management reserves the right to record all rounds and final concert or documenting the competition, and circulate the materials with no royalties to be payed to performers. By signing the application form, the applicant gives permission for the production of the recording and related broadcasts. The full copyright remains the property of Associazione Musicare..

Application to participate in the competition implies that the candidates unconditionally accept all of the rules and regulations currently established. In the event of any disagreement or difference of opinion concerning the rules, the only valid text will be the original in the Italian language.

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