Beirut - A Candle's Fire - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 30 settembre 2011 da Lesto82

Dopo 4 anni i Beirut di Zach Condon pubblicano il terzo disco "The Rip Tide",ben accolto un po dovunque(n.49 in Uk,n.80 negli Usa).Ho scelto la traccia che apre il cd della band indie-folk di Santa Fe nel New Mexico ovvero "A Candle's Fire",un po perchè si affaccia timidamente nelle playlist delle radio nazionali,e soprattutto perchè mi piace la voce quasi da crooner associata al suono orchestrale.



Oh, light a candle's fire, it carries our good name
What would you ask a campfire?
It scares me just the same
And you, you've had it all along
An endless need for games
Don't forget, a candle's fire is only just a flame

I hit certain from afar, failed to pull my weight
But you were light, we traveled through the fall
To arrive at our front gate
Tonight, we rest beside the fire
A smile upon your face
Just don't forget, a candle's fire is only just a flame

If I had known, that to carry on that way
It wouldn't show in the creases on your face
If you should go, would you carry on my name?
Just let it blow in the fog on Bishops Lane


Voto 6/10

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