Capture the Colour-Photo Contest

Creato il 09 agosto 2012 da Girandoliere

Capture the Colour è il concorso fotografico per blogger di viaggi indetto da Travel Supermarket. Le 5 foto da proporre devono rappresentare cinque colori diversi: rosso, giallo, blu, bianco e verde. Qui di seguito trovate le mie foto… enjoy it!!

Per partecipare, basta andare su seguire le istruzioni, pubblicare 5 foto e nominare altri travel blogger.

To partecipate to the Capture the Colour photo contest, just click here follow the instructions, publish 5 photos and then nominate five other travel bloggers!

WHITE- the word’s largest salt lake in Uyuni, Bolivia.  The photo was took in during a  winter morning excursion while there was very few travellers. When nature moves beyond human fantasy limits.

BLUE- Isla del Sol, Titicaca Lake, Bolivia. During a boat trip into the word’s highest lake,  the illusion to take into your eyes sky, mountain and water.

RED- Vulcano Acamabur, National Reserve of Andean Fauna, Bolivia. Sun, big wind and the andean nature during a morning excursion. I choose this photo for the little track goes to the Vulcan…it seems the “image” of the trip.

YELLOW- This photo was taken during a train-trip between Ronda  and Antequera (Malaga province) in the Grazalema’s mountains.  Watching ruins building while the trains go slowly is a perfect image for a slowly travel…

GREEN-The Incredible Landscape in a little lake near Adare, County Limerick, Ireland. Green is the colour that better represent the “emerald island” and its nature

I blogger che nomino

1. Yesica di Toma_La_Ruta

2.Stefano di


4.Anastasia di A Travel Tale

5.Arianna TravelPlanner

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