Chloe Howl - No Strings - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 20 settembre 2013 da Lesto82

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"No Strings" è il singolo d'esordio della cantante inglese Chloe Howl,electro-pop senza troppe pretese,sulla scia delle altre Brit-stars piu' quotate come Jessie J e Lily Allen.E' appena 18enne e quindi le concediamo volentieri tutto il tempo necessario a formarsi una sua identità artistica.



We're both there at the same time, we both go.
Don't need to talk to each other, we got codes.
Have a bit too much to drink, say hello.
we're gonna go home together,
we really should know better..
But fuck your no strings,
and your 'hey i'll ring'
but I'm, but I'm imagining things.
No strings, kinda hope I have twins,
come on, come on, am I imagining something?
You can't win, at all,
And the trouble with no strings is you can only fall
They're playing our favourite song.
you come dance near me but not for long
you know sometimes I think you're so immature
don't know what trip you're on.
Don't even know if I'm the right sex
You don't even know if I'm the right sex do ya?
But fuck your no strings,
and your 'hey i'll ring'
but I'm, but I'm imagining things.
No strings kinda hope I have twins,
come on, come on, am I imagining something?
You can't win, at all,
And the trouble with no strings is you can only fall
With all this love you're unprotecting
I'd hate to think of what you're collecting
the novelty's worn
You can't get it for nothing
So let's put this to bed
Without crawling in your bed
No more crawlin' in your bed...


Voto 5/10


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