Chvrches - The Mother We Share - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 06 agosto 2013 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,chvrches,video chvrches,testi chvrches,traduzioni chvrches,artisti emergenti

Il terzetto synth-pop scozzese Chvrches è già passato su queste pagine e adesso ci ritorna col singolo "The Mother We Share",a ridosso della pubblicazione del primo album "The Bones Of What You Believe" che uscirà il 23 settembre.Qui ci cullano con una ballad che puo' ricordarvi altre dieci canzoni simili degli anni '80.L'impresa del gruppo sta proprio nel riuscire a far diventare la fonte d'ispirazione, un punto a favore considerando che le tracce sorelle,sono tutte memorabili.



Never took your side, never cursed your name
I keep my lips shut tight, until you go-o-oh
We've come as far as we're ever gonna get
Until you realize, that you should go-o-oh
I'm in misery where you can seem as old as your omens
And the mother we share will never keep your proud head from falling
The way is long but you can make it easy on me
And the mother we share will never keep our cold hearts from calling
In the dead of night, I'm the only one here
And I will cover you, until you go-o-oh
And if I told the truth, I will always be free
And keep a prize with me, until you go-o-oh
I'm in misery where you can seem as old as your omens
And the mother we share will never keep your proud head from falling
The way is long but you can make it easy on me
And the mother we share will never keep our cold hearts from calling
Until the night falls, we're the only ones left
I bet you even know, where we could go-o-oh
And when it all fucks up, you put your head in my hands
It's a souvenir for when you go-o-oh
I'm in misery where you can seem as old as your omens
And the mother we share will never keep your proud head from falling
The way is long but you can make it easy on me
And the mother we share will never keep our cold hearts from calling


Voto 7/10


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