On disembarking we headed Biguglia, the ancient capital of Corsica during the Pisan. It 'a small village where reigns today the speculation, of its splendor from the capital there is nothing left. But here we have an exceptional view on the pond of Biguglia, inside a natural park, it is the largest lake island and very important for the migration of 60 species of birds on the Europe-Africa.
The second stop is nearby. Near the airport of Bastia-Poretta is one of the jewels left by the people of Pisa in Corsica: "La Canonica" cathedral-style "Pisan Romanesque" perfectly preserved. I confess that I had a strange feeling, I felt at home, this architecture is so familiar, but at the same time it is strange to find it in a country seemingly "foreign".
This masterpiece of Romanesque Pisan was consecrated in 1119 under the patronage of Santa Maria del Fiore (the Duomo of Pisa).During the investiture struggle with Henry IV, Pope Gregory VII gave the control of Corsica to the bishop of Pisa, who became thus primate of Corsica and Sardinia (charge that the bishop of Pisa still retains). The administration of Pisa, thanks to its port and trade, flowed into the island in a short time. Even today the Pisan influence is strong, for example in the Corsican language and the cuisine of the island.
Around there are excavations of the Roman colony founded in 93 BC and the remains of an early Christian church.And then the countryside, with green fields and flocks of sheep, but also airplanes flying at low altitude to land at the nearby airport ... While Mark I was taking a photo on the back of Canonica a giant bird of prey flew over my head .. . for me it was a magical moment! Throughout our trip we met hawks, but this was really a giant .. I thought maybe it was an ancient warrior Pisa! So I warned you, right ?!
Marco mi odia per la mia mania di usare il filtro "colori vivi"per i ritratti!!!
L'anno scorso a San Fiurenzu avevamo visitato un'altra chiesa pisana, la cattedrale del Nebbio, certamente suggestiva (abbiamo potuto visitare anche la parte interna) ma questa ci ha emozionato di più... Forse perchè la trovi lì, senza nessuna guida turistica, cullata dal tempo e dalla storia..
Last year in St. Florent had visited another church Pisa, the cathedral of Nebbio certainly impressive (we could also visit the inside) but this has more excited ... Maybe because you can find there, without any guidance Tourism, lulled by time and history ..
Abbiamo mangiato da "Chic Burger" a Moriani, lungo la strada per la nostra prima tappa ufficiale: Solenzara. Qui abbiamo preso possesso della nostra cameretta! Non è male, dai! La merenda non poteva mancare... due mini torte molto nutrienti! Poi siamo crollati, io avevo davvero bisogno di una doccia e una cura di bellezza (si fa per dire!), non ricordo l'ultima volta che ho dormito come potete vedere dal mio stato disperato nelle foto!
We ate from "Chic Burger" in Moriani, on the way to our first official stop: Solenzara. Here we took possession of our room! Not bad, come on! Snack could not miss ... two mini cakes very nutritious! Then we collapsed, I'd really need a shower and a beauty care (so to speak!), I do not remember the last time I slept as you can see from my desperate state in the pictures!
For dinner we decided to go to "Old Port" (being "Portivechju"). Really a nice place, and fortunately there are very few Italians. The old town is very characteristic, the over-priced restaurants (French thanks!). Salad normal € 10, 90, a pizza marinara € 17.00 (and almost certainly are frozen). So we turn in search of decent food and affordable, not bad because we can say we have learned all of this city and also made shopping at a store very cute!
Serena Madhouse o Mercoledì Addams?! la camicia vichy la conoscete già, qui era perfetta con i miei pantaloncini, mentre il mio viso ha davvero bisogno di una lunga dormita! Siamo capitati in una sera di festa: il campanile era illuminato e cambiava colore, molto suggestivo.. peccato che le campane suonassero continuamente, era terribile! Una piccola precisazione: delle chiese amo solo l'architettura.Per fortuna, dopo tanto girare, troviamo una creperia abbordabile e carina: Così crepes e insalata, e le preziosissime bibite francesi (...)
Serena Madhouse or Wednesday Addams ?! shirt Vichy already know, here it was perfect with my shorts, and my face was really make a long sleep!We came across a night of celebration: the bell tower was lit up and changed color, very charming .. shame that the bells sounded continuously, it was terrible! A small clarification: I only love the architecture of the churches.Fortunately, after a long run, there is a creperie affordable and cute: So crepes and salad, and the precious drinks French (...)
con tutto questo scampanio mi faranno santa
BRAVI! Basta con l'olio di palma!
Ed eccoci di nuovo all'Hotel "Les Trois Terrasses" di Solenzara, dove abbiamo conosciuto solo un ragazzo "corso" in mezzo a tanti francesi.. e noi stanchissimi ci vediamo domani!-And we're back at the hotel "Les Trois Terrasses" Solenzara, where we only met a guy really of Corsica, among many French .. and we tired see you tomorrow!
il nostro primo giorno in tappe-°Gello-°Livorno-°Bastia-°Biguglia-°Poretta-°Salenzara- °Porto Vecchio-°Solenzara