Dada Life - So Young So High - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 18 gennaio 2013 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,dada life,video dada life,testi dada life,traduzioni dada life

Il duo electro-house svedese Dada Life,ha pubblicato il secondo disco "The Rules Of Dada" lo scorso novembre.Il 116esimo posto nella Billboard,non rende forse la misura del successo mondiale dei due che intanto sfornano dei singoli davvero interessanti come l'attuale "So Young So High".



Being young and feeling high
We will never ever come down
Being high and feeling young
We will never ever come down
They will try with all their might
They can't buy what we have tonight
Fall in fall in fall in love
We will never ever come down
So young, so high
So young, so high
So young, so high
So young, so high [x3]
Being young and feeling high
We will never ever come down
Being high and feeling young
We will never ever come down
They will try with all their might
They cant buy what we have tonight
Fall in fall in fall in love
We will never ever come down
So young, so high
So young, so high
So young, so high
So young, so high


Voto 6/10


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