Dan Black feat. Kelis - Hearts - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 14 giugno 2013 da Lesto82

Ritorna alla grande Dan Black(ex voce dei Planet Funk),il cantautore inglese che continua a cercare una hit a modo suo,ovvero non adeguandosi ai soliti standard.A precedere il secondo album dell'artista c'è "Hearts",ottimo duetto con Kelis,su inedite sonorità electro-orchestrali.



Call paramedics and other experts
Could I be re-fixed?
All these broken people
They trunk your parts
Somewhere we got missed
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
Call paramedics and other experts
Listen close to this
Broken people, they’re junkyard parts
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Ache and all we fixed
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
We’ll put out an APB
Crash carts on the way
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps
‘Cause the heart, it never sleeps


Voto 7/10


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