Daughter - Still - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 25 marzo 2013 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,daughter,video daughter,testi daughter,traduzioni daughter,artisti emergenti

"If You Leave" è il primo album dei Daughter,trio indie folk londinese dalle tematiche e sonorità piuttosto cupe a partire dall'attuale singolo "Still".



I'll wrap up my bones
And leave them
Out of this home
Out on the road
Two feet standing on a principle
Two hands longing for each others warmth
Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats
Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to go
It's spiralling down
Biting words like a wolf howling
Hate is spitting out each others mouths
But we're still sleeping like we're lovers
Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating
Two feet standing on a principle
Two hands digging in each others wounds
Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats
Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to move
It's spiraling down
Biting words like a wolf howling
Hate is spitting out each others mouths
But we're still sleeping like we're lovers
Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating
I'll wrap up my bones
And leave them
Out of this home
Out on the road
Two feet standing on a principle
Two hands longing for each others warmth
Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats
Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to go



Voto 8/10


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