DIY: doily cone...

Da Thinkshabby @ThinkShabby

Ecco un DIY veramente semplice ma di grande effetto...! Sicuramente in rete ne avrete visti tanti, coni  ricavati da centrini di carta.. ...sono perfetti come decorazioni per le feste,  chic se appesi a qualche appendino o un gancio malandato.... ...senza spago usati  anche come porta vivande... ... cosa dire  cosa aspettate a costruire il vostro?? Here a DIY is really simple ... but effective!  Surely they have seen so many on the net,  cones made from paper doilies .....  are perfect as decorations for the holidays,  a few chic when hanging hook or hanger shabby ..   without a rope used as a food brings... ..  what to say  ...... what are you waiting to build your own?

(Photos by Think Shabby, don't use them without my permission)  

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