Diy tutorial: infinity bracelet with wire

Creato il 28 ottobre 2012 da Ihaveadeer
Hello, hello!
Finally I made the infinity bracelet video! I'm so sorry for the waiting, but I had an argument with it. FOR REAL.
In this video I'm going to show you how to make infinity (symbol) bracelet with gold wire.
I really love the infinity symbol and I think it will be great as a present for your boyfriend/girlfriend (half hearts are so mainstream, aren't they?!), but I think your mum will appreciate it too.
If you're in a couple you can make a two infinity symbols-bracelet with the two things crossed together. It would be an awesome present for Valentine's Day (four months early).
Please, support me by liking/faving this video on youtube, or by sharing it on your blog/facebook/twitter.
Thank you!

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