Linguine o spaghetti Pomodori secchi Mandorle pelate Pane secco Origano Basilico Olio buono Sale
Frullare il pane secco con origano è un po’ di sale, saltarlo in padella con un po’ di olio caldo in modo che diventi bello croccante. Frullare i pomodori secchi con le mandorle, aggiungere un po’ di sale, olio e del basilico fresco. Cuocere le linguine in acqua bollente, saltarle in padella con il pesto di pomodori e se necessario aggiungere un paio di cucchiai di acqua di cottura della pasta. Impiattare e aggiungere una spolverata di pane croccante e origano.
Trovo che questo pesto sia perfetto anche per delle bruschette con pane tostato, per renderlo più ricco potreste aggiungere della ricotta affumicata. Allora è o non è veloce???!!! Buon pesto!!
I know during the last days are a bit 'on the run, but I have a good excuse: Saturday is the big day Fede will get married and there are many preparations and surprises to get ready. Hence I have decided to entertain you with a very fast and very easy recipe, one of those things you just know in the summer, a perfect marriage of flavors, just to stay in theme :) and above all a simple and good idea for a quick dinner or improvised, because the ingredients are all-in pantry linguine and spaghetti must always be available in all kitchens and fresh herbs are indispensable for summer dinners. So just have a mixer and the pesto is ready ... get busy, because it takes very little!
Ingredients: no doses, the whole eye can not go wrong!
Linguine or spaghetti dried tomatoes blanched almonds dry bread oregano basil good oil salt
Whisk the dry bread with oregano is a bit 'of salt, stir-fried with a little' hot oil so that it becomes crunchy. Whisk the dried tomatoes with almonds, add a little 'salt, olive oil and fresh basil. Cook the linguine in boiling water, stir-fried with tomato pesto and if necessary add a few tablespoons of pasta cooking water. Place on the plate and add a sprinkling of crispy bread and oregano. I find this pesto could be perfect as a sauce for bruschetta with toasted bread and to make it richer you could add the smoked ricotta. Then it is fast or not ???!!! Good pesto!