Edward Zigo (1927-2011)

Creato il 24 febbraio 2011 da Mortodelmese
LYNBROOK, ANAGRAMMA DI BROOKLYIN, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK, USA - Agosto 1977: David Berkovitz, meglio noto come Son of Sam, serial killer americano il cui palmares è di 6 omicidi (commissionatigli, per la cronaca, da un demone che possedeva il cane del suo vicino) viene arrestato.
Febbraio 2011: Edward Zigo, detective della Omicidi di New York tra i responsabili della sua cattura, viene ucciso da un tumore. Berkovitz è ancora vivo, ospite del Sullivan Correctional Facility di Fallsburg.
I am deeply hurt by your calling me a wemon [sic] hater. I am not. But I am a monster. I am the "Son of Sam." I am a little "brat". When father Sam gets drunk he gets mean. He beats his family. Sometimes he ties me up to the back of the house. Other times he locks me in the garage. Sam loves to drink blood. "Go out and kill" commands father Sam. Behind our house some rest. Mostly young — raped and slaughtered — their blood drained — just bones now. Papa Sam keeps me locked in the attic, too. I can't get out but I look out the attic window and watch the world go by. I feel like an outsider. I am on a different wave length [sic] then [sic] everybody else — programmed too [sic] kill. However, to stop me you must kill me. Attention all police: Shoot me first — shoot to kill or else. Keep out of my way or you will die! Papa Sam is old now. He needs some blood to preserve his youth. He has had too many heart attacks. Too many heart attacks. "Ugh, me hoot [sic] it urts [sic] sonny boy." I miss my pretty princess most of all. She's resting in our ladies house but I'll see her soon. I am the "Monster" — "Beelzebub" — the "Chubby Behemouth." [sic] I love to hunt. Prowling the streets looking for fair game — tasty meat. The wemon [sic] of Queens are z [sic] prettyist [sic] of all. I [sic] must be the water they drink. I live for the hunt — my life. Blood for papa. Mr. Borrelli, sir, I dont want to kill anymore no sir, no more but I must, "honour thy father." I want to make love to the world. I love people. I don't belong on Earth. Return me to yahoos [sic]. To the people of Queens, I love you. And I wa [sic] want to wish all of you a happy Easter. May God bless you in this life and in the next and for now I say goodbye and goodnight. Police — Let me haunt you with these words; I'll be back! I'll be back! To be interrpreted [sic] as — bang, bang, bang, bank, bang — ugh!! Yours in murder Mr. Monster
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