Eels - New Alphabet - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 29 gennaio 2013 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,eels,video eels,testi eels,traduzioni eels

E' tornato Mister E.Nel senso che gli Eels,band alternative rock californiana guidata da Mark Oliver Everett,stanno per pubblicare il decimo album "Wonderful,Glorious",dal 5 febbraio in vendita.Ascoltiamo il primo singolo "New Alphabet",rock-blues sghembo e trascinante.



You know what? I’m in a good mood today
Well I’m so happy it’s not yesterday
Man it was brutal, with planning tissues
I guess you could say that I had issues
Well it’s looking good, I dug my way out
I’m changing up what the story’s about

When the world stops making sense
Just take in what you can get
When the people on the streets start looking like silhouettes
When the words just sound like noise
I need a new alphabet
When the world stops making sense
I make a new alphabet

Small thinking people with their small thinking ways
I don’t have time to hear what they say
This is my world, I’m seeking my claim
Thanks for the invite, no thanks just the same
It’s looking good now, full speed ahead
I’ll live the day, by tomorrow I’m dead

When the world stops making sense
Just take in what you can get
When the people on the streets start looking like silhouettes
When the words just sound like noise
I need a new alphabet
When the world stops making sense
I make a new alphabet

I see everything, it’s crystal clear
It’s here!
You know what? I’m in a good mood today
Well I’m so happy it’s not yesterday
Man it was brutal, but it’s all in the past
It’s good to know that it don’t have to last

When the world stops making sense
Just take in what you can get
When the people on the streets start looking like silhouettes
When the words just sound like noise
I need a new alphabet
When the world stoṗs making sense
I make a new alphabet


Voto 7/10


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