Emulatori giochi / Emulators games per Nokia N9 e Nokia N950 MeeGo

Da Allmobileworld @allmobileworld

Resi disponibili una serie di emulatori per Nokia N9 e Nokia N950 che rendono possibile giocare sugli smartphone in qualsiasi momento. Gli emulatori sono specifici per : MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ home computer emulator, emulates Sinclair ZX Spectrum and its clones, ColecoVision console emulator, Nintendo Entertainment System, Famicom, and DiskSystem emulator, Sega MasterSystem, GameGear, SG1000, SC3000, and SF7000, GameBoy Classic, GameBoy Color, and Super GameBoy,GameBoy Advance, TI82, TI83, TI85, TI86, TI84 programmable calculators.

Emulatori giochi / Emulators games per Nokia N9 e Nokia N950 MeeGo

Qui di seguito troverete i link per scaricare i programmi con al fianco la descrizione:

  • fMSX - MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ home computer emulator
  • Speccy - emulates Sinclair ZX Spectrum and its clones.
  • ColEm - ColecoVision console emulator.
  • iNES - Nintendo Entertainment System, Famicom, and DiskSystem emulator.
  • MasterGear - Sega MasterSystem, GameGear, SG1000, SC3000, and SF7000.
  • VGB - GameBoy Classic, GameBoy Color, and Super GameBoy.
  • VGBA - GameBoy Advance
  • AlmostTI - TI82, TI83, TI85, TI86, TI84 programmable calculators.

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