una tazza d'acqua
una tazza di farina un cucchiaio di burro sale quanto basta olio extravergine di oliva per friggere pane grattugiato
besciamella quanto basta ( 2 tazze tipo cup) 2 etti di formaggio Losa con capra della ditta Occellitagliato a cubetti sale un pizzico prosciutto cotto a cubetti
Mettere l'acqua la noce di burro, il sale in un tegamino. Appena inizia a bollire aggiungere di botto la farina e mescolare energicamente si formerà una palla piuttosto compatta. Infarinare leggermente il piano da lavoro . Prendere questo impasto ancora caldo e lavorarlo con le mani sul piano infarinato fino a formare una palla liscia ed omogenea pronta ad essere utilizzata. Stendete l'impasto e con un coltello ricavate tanti piccoli rombi.
Amalgamate il formaggio alla besciamella ed il prosciutti a cubetti. Aggiustate di sale e di pepe unite al tutto un rosso d'uovo.
Passare i fagottini ottenuti nell'albume d'uovo quindi nel pane grattugiato e friggere in olio ben caldo.
Small dumplings filled with savory bechamel cheese and ham rolled up like you do for spring rolls,
breaded and fried: This finger food to my loved ones. As for sofficini can be prepared in advance. Once frozen they are ready to be enjoyed at any time.
a cup of water
a cup of flour
a tablespoon of butter
salt to taste
extra virgin olive oil for frying
enough sauce (2 cups cup type)
2 pound of cheese Occelli diced
a pinch of salt
ham cubes
Put the water in the butter, salt in a saucepan. Just begins to boil, add the flour all at once and stir vigorously will form a ball fairly compact. Lightly flour the work surface. Take this mixture is still warm and knead with hands on floured surface until it forms a smooth ball and uniform ready for use. Roll out the dough with a knife obtained many small diamonds.
Mix the cheese sauce and ham cubes. Season with salt and pepper together in a whole egg yolk.
Put the water in the butter, salt in a saucepan. Just begins to boil, add the flour all at once and stir vigorously will form a ball fairly compact. Lightly flour the work surface. Take this mixture is still warm and knead with hands on floured surface until it forms a smooth ball and uniform ready for use. Roll out the dough with a knife obtained many small diamonds. Mix the cheese sauce and ham cubes. Season with salt and pepper together in a whole egg yolk. Then distribute two teaspoons of the mixture into each diamond. After having brushed the edges with beaten egg whites made up of small parcels overlaying a strip to another. Pass the bundles obtained nell'albume egg then in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil.