Foxygen - San Francisco - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 17 gennaio 2013 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,foxygen,video foxygen,testi foxygen,traduzioni foxygen

Due 22enni californiani alle prese già col secondo album,dopo l'esordio dello scorso maggio.Dai Foxygen è in arrivo "We Are The 21st Century Ambassadors Of Peace And Magic",disco anticipato dal singolo "San Francisco",pane per i denti famelici degli hipsters,con tanta forma e poca sostanza nelle ovattate sonorità 60's pop.



Up in the San Francisco where the forest meets the bridge
I thought I saw you standing there and them you fell onto the rails
But that was many years ago and I am so much older now
My brother is a soldier now
I can't see the many how, I moved up in the wind
And you swimming up tide or just to the hand radio stations
I left my love in San Francisco
That's okay, I was bored anyway
I left my love in the room
That's okay, I was born in L.A.
I left my love in San Francisco
That's okay, I was bored anyway
I left my love in the field
That's okay, I was born in L.A.
And we're restricting on this field
That Jesus came from Israel
Isaac followed the sacred cow
So not to wake up, sparrow splashing mud
But that was many years from now
And I hope from here on now
I always seemed to want to shout
Your eyes are like a cup of tea and sending into the sun with me
You swimming upstream or just tuning into new sensations
I was broken and we're broken
I left my love in San Francisco
That's okay, I was bored anyway
I left my love in the room
That's okay, I was born in L.A.
I left my love in San Francisco
That's okay, I was bored anyway
I left my love in the field
That's okay, I was born in L.A


Voto 6/10


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