Pizza and tiramisu for Auxerre players. Food was offered by coach Jean Fernandez to celebrate the good end of the season in which they are in fourth one-day period, safe harbor in Europe next season, maybe even the Champions League. "A coach is nothing without the support of his players, that's what he said when coach thanked and congratulated with us in the locker room, saying that his prize was ours", said Auxerre goalkeeper Olivier Sorin, praising the "great work" of Fernandez, who recently was elected by fellow technician of the year in Ligue 1. "He gave us a pizza and a tiramisu for lunch on Wednesday, so we delayed after the workout", he added. Auxerre, a team of 45 000 inhabitants of the town of Burgundy, has won one championship, in 1996. Fourth at 68 points, two less than Lille and one less than Lyon, could gain direct access to the Champions League winning against Sochaux on Saturday night, and with contemporary defeat of Lyon, which hosts the already relegated Le Mans, and Lille deafeat vs Lorient. At worst, however, Auxerre is sure in Europe League. "Some big clubs have a lot of money, but we must make the pitch. At the start of the season no one would have bet a penny to us, but we surprised everyone by qualifying for a European Cup "said Sorin. Auxerre players now hope that pizza and tiramisu, yesterday, were only the appetizer.
Francia, all' auxerre pizza e tiramisù per festeggiare l' europa - france, for auxerre pizza and tiramisu to celebrate europe
Creato il 13 maggio 2010 da RollingballsPizza and tiramisu for Auxerre players. Food was offered by coach Jean Fernandez to celebrate the good end of the season in which they are in fourth one-day period, safe harbor in Europe next season, maybe even the Champions League. "A coach is nothing without the support of his players, that's what he said when coach thanked and congratulated with us in the locker room, saying that his prize was ours", said Auxerre goalkeeper Olivier Sorin, praising the "great work" of Fernandez, who recently was elected by fellow technician of the year in Ligue 1. "He gave us a pizza and a tiramisu for lunch on Wednesday, so we delayed after the workout", he added. Auxerre, a team of 45 000 inhabitants of the town of Burgundy, has won one championship, in 1996. Fourth at 68 points, two less than Lille and one less than Lyon, could gain direct access to the Champions League winning against Sochaux on Saturday night, and with contemporary defeat of Lyon, which hosts the already relegated Le Mans, and Lille deafeat vs Lorient. At worst, however, Auxerre is sure in Europe League. "Some big clubs have a lot of money, but we must make the pitch. At the start of the season no one would have bet a penny to us, but we surprised everyone by qualifying for a European Cup "said Sorin. Auxerre players now hope that pizza and tiramisu, yesterday, were only the appetizer.
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