Rachel Feinstein portrait December 2010 Courtesy Gagosian Gallery Photo by Jesse David Harris
Gagosian Gallery Roma RACHEL FEINSTEIN. Inaugura sabato 17 novembre, dalle 18 alle 20, una mostra di nuovi lavori di Rachel Feinstein alla sede romana (MAPPA) della galleria Gagosian. L’artista americana (n. 1971, Arizona) che lavora a New York, è nota per le sue sculture dall’animo barocco e fiabesco, come “The Snow Queen”, presentata nel 2011 alla Lever House di New York e ispirata alla favola di Hans Christian Andersen. A Roma Rachel Feinstein espone un progetto site specific che richiama la tradizione scultorea e architettonica classica, il paesaggio / scenario di Roma e il tema del viaggio. Ufficio Stampa: Francesca Martinotti. MAE Milano Arte Expo consiglia la visione dell’intervista a Rachel Feinstein – di Glen O’Brien – pubblicata in video (in inglese) da Interview magazine, del dicembre 2011: LINK, delle immagini delle opere e installazioni sul sito della Marianne Boesky Gallery di New York: LINK, nonché la lettura dell’articolo Rachel Feinstein and John Currin, Their Own Best Creations di David Colman su The New York Times: LINK. La mostra proseguirà fino al 5 gennaio 2013.
Rachel Feinstein (Fort Defiance, Arizona, 1971) ha studiato presso la Columbia University, New York e la Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Maine. Diverse le mostre personali dell’artista presentate in Europa e negli Stati Uniti dalla fine degli anni ’90 ad oggi, tra le quali quelle presso la Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, e più recentemente presso la Lever House, New York. Numerose le sue partecipazioni in mostre collettive. Nel 2013 il suo lavoro verrà presentato in un’importante mostra a Aix-en-Provence organizzata da Le Consortium.

Rachel Feinstein, Untitled, 2012. Scatto del progetto site specific in mostra a Roma dal prossimo 17 novembre. Photo by Rob McKeever. Courtesy Gagosian Gallery
Rachel Feinstein
n. 1971, Ft. Defiance, Arizona
1993 Columbia University, New York, BA
1993 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, ME
Mostre personali di Rachel Feinstein
Rome, Gagosian Gallery, November 2012
New York, Lever House, January 27 – April 2, 2011
Rachel Feinstein, Eva in Cameo, 2008. Courtesy Marianne Boesky Gallery
New York, Marianne Boesky Gallery, April 25 – May 23, 2008
London, Special project for Frieze Art Fair at Marc Jacobs, October 5 – 14, 2007
London, Corvi-Mora, May 17 – June 16, 2007
Dijon, Le Consortium, Tropical Rodeo, October 20, 2006 – January 14, 2007
New York, Marianne Boesky Gallery, March 23 – April 23, 2005
New York, Sotheby’s, Art in the Atrium, organized by Art Production Fund
London, Corvi-Mora, September 13 – November 2, 2002
New York, Marianne Boesky Gallery, November 10 – December 15, 2001
London, Robert Prime Gallery
New York, White Columns, White Room, March 19 – May 2, 1999
Mostre collettive di Rachel Feinstein
Normal, IL, University Galleries of Illinois State University, The House of the Seven Gables, February 26 – April 7, 2013
Savannah, GA, SCAD Museum of Art, The Little Black Dress, September 28 – December, 2012
Dijon, Le Consortium, June 9 – October 30, 2011
New York, Marianne Boesky Gallery (uptown space), Night Scented Stock, September 14-October 22, 2011, curated by Todd Levin
New York, The Metropolitan Opera, Something About Mary, September 17, 2009 – January 31, 2010
New York, Gavin Brown Enterprises, The Living and the Dead, July 1 – August 7, 2009
New York, Larissa Goldston Gallery, Talk Dirty to Me…, February 26 – March 28, 2009
Beijing, Hyundai Gallery, The Alliance, April 5 – May 4, 2008. Travels to Hyundai Gallery, Korea, June 4 – July, 2008, curated by Seungduk Kim and Franck Gautherot
Anyang, Korea, Anyang Public Art Project 2007, Don Quixote, permanent
outdoor sculpture, opened October 20, 2007, curated by Sung Won Kim, Seungduk Kim and Franck Gautherot
East Hampton, New York, The FIREPLACE Project, The Recognitions, curated by David Salle, June 30 – July 18, 2007
Paris, JGM Gallery, French Kiss, May 25 – July 13, 2007
New York, Rivington Arms, The Mom Show, November 11 – December 22, 2005
2004 New York, Marianne Boesky Gallery, Seeing Other People, June 18 – August 13,
London, Art Fortnight London
Cantebury, England, Herbert Read Gallery, Kent Institute of Art & Design, Candyland Zoo, January 16 – February 14, 2004
Los Angeles, The Standard Hotels, Art Production Fund, Standard Projection: 24/7
New York, Deitch Projects, Self Portraits, November 20 – December 20, 2003
New York, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, 3-D, June 5 – August 2, 2003
Cologne, Monika Spruth – Philomene Magers, 20th Anniversary Show,
Los Angeles, Karyn Lovegrove Gallery, Roll Out, March 22 – April 19, 2003
Manchester, England, Comme Ça Art Gallery, Peep show – a glimpse of the Frank Cohen collection, March 29 – May 3, 2003
Hydra, Greece, Hydra Workshop, John Currin and Rachel Feinstein (catalogue published)
New York, Derek Eller Gallery, Landscape, February 5 – March 9, 2002
Toulouse, Printemps de Septembre, The Visitors
London, The Barbican Centre, The Americans, New Art, October 25 – December 23, 2001
Vienna, Kerstin Engholm Galerie, The Love of the Look, curated by Kirsty Bell
New York, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, Drawings 2000
Basel Art Fair, Statements, 2000
New York, The Whitney Museum of American Art at Phillip Morris, Pastoral Pop, curated by Debra Singer, July 21 – December 15, 2000
New York, P.S.1/The Museum of Modern Art, Greater New York, February 27 – May,
Copenhagen, Tommy Lund Gallery, Moving Pictures
Milan, Italy, No Limits Events Gallery, Garden Party, curated by Laurie Simmons
Gainesville, Georgia, Brenau University, Girls School, curated by Catherine Morris and Maureen Mahony
Liverpool, England, Liverpool Biennial, Art Lovers, September 1999, curated by Marcia Fortes
Odense, Denmark, Kunsthallen Brandts Klaedefabrik, Motion Studies, curated by Michael Darling
Exeter, England, Spacex Gallery, Etceteras
New York, Marianne Boesky Gallery, Down to Earth
Kansas City, MO, Grand Arts, New York Neither/Nor, curated by Bill Arning (brochure published)
London, Robert Prime Gallery, How Will We Behave?, September – October, 1998
New York, Jenny Bornstein’s Studio Show
New York, P.S.1, Heaven, curated by Josh Decter
New York, Andrea Rosen Gallery, Spring and Winter
New York, Exit Art, Let the Artist Live
New York, Sonnabend Gallery, Artist Invitational
Gagosian Gallery Rome
via Francesco Crispi 16, Roma
Per informazioni si prega di contattare Gagosian Gallery Roma +39 06 4208.6498 o roma@gagosian.com
Ufficio Stampa
Francesca Martinotti
+39 3487460312 - martinotti@lagenziarisorse.it - www.francescamartinotti.com
MAE Milano Arte Expo -milanoartexpo@gmail.com- ringrazia Livia Morellini di Studio Martinotti per le news e le immagini della mostra di Rachel Feinstein alla Gagosian Gallery Roma.