Giò MARCONI e Kaleidoscope di Milano: Glow Rod Tanning with…, di Kerstin Brätsch e COMCORRÖDER, di Adele Röder

Creato il 20 febbraio 2012 da Milanoartexpo @MilanoArteExpo

Con inaugurazione: mercoledì 22 febbraio 2012 dalle 19.00 alle 21.00, due mostre in parallelo: La galleria Giò Marconi ( click: MAPPA) è lieta di presentare Glow Rod Tanning with..., prima personale di Kerstin Brätsch (1979, vive e lavora a New York). Per l'occasione l'artista presenterà nuovi dipinti su mylar, esposti attraverso l'uso di magneti, barre metalliche o su strutture autoportanti parzialmente illuminate da luce al neon. Completano l'allestimento alcuni elementi realizzati dal designer italiano Martino Gamper, che si offrono in maniera modulare come supporto ai dipinti. Le piattaforme di Gamper uniranno idealmente la mostra di Kerstin Brätsch al progetto COMCORRÖDER, presentato in contemporanea da Adele Röder (1980, vive e lavora a New York) presso la sede di Kaleidoscope, in via Masera di fronte al civico 10 ( click: MAPPA). >>



Adele sarà impegnata a promuovere in un vero e proprio pop up store capi di abbigliamento personalizzabili attraverso la scelta di tessuti e stoffe da lei ideati, sull'esempio di Sonia Delaunay (vedi mostra: Atelier simultané 1923 - 1934, Sonia Delaunay, Fondazione Marconi di Giorgio Marconi, 22 febbraio - 31 marzo 2012 - click: LINK all'articolo).


Il dialogo tra le due artiste, già sancito dalla collaborazione sotto l'egida del collettivo DAS INSTITUT, sarà ulteriormente accentuato dalla realizzazione di un servizio fotografico al termine delle due mostre, durante il quale gli abiti di Adele saranno fotografati sullo sfondo dei mylars di Kerstin.

I lavori di DAS INSTITUT sono stati esposti alla 54a Biennale di Venezia; si è appena conclusa una mostra alla Kunstalle di Zurigo.

Dal 23 febbraio al 31 marzo 2012.

Glow Rod Tanning with.... / COMCORRÖDER

Kerstin Brätsch / Adele Röder
[ Gio Marconi Gallery; Via Alessandro Tadino 15, 20124 Milano / Kaleidoscope; Via Giovanni Masera 10, 20129 Milano; both: 22.2.12 - 31.3.12]

exhibition design DAS INSTITUT
consulting UNITED BROTHERS 1
Plinths 2 Martino Gamper
photography Lucas Knipscher
Pop-Up Store Adele Röder
consulting Lydia Rodrigues
COMCORRÖDER host Lydia Rodrigues
Tanning beds 3 UNITED BROTHERS
roller blinds DAS INSTITUT

Il progetto: una moltiplicazione di massa (e quindi creazione, offuscamento e continuo annichilimento) del sé.

Le basi (o meglio la necessaria finzione o la porta del labirinto) sono Kerstin Brätsch and Adele Röder. Inizia dunque, qui e ora, con loro. "Inizia, efebo, percependo l'idea di questa invenzione [...]". 4

Kerstin Brätsch. Glow Rod Tanning with.... Il tema: la sofferenza della pittura. Lo scopo: gettare una luce schiacciante sulla pittura. 5 Un dipinto chiede sempre, brama, di "essere nella giusta luce" (per trovare il suo posto al sole...). Ma immaginate un Vermeer appeso in un garage: soffrirebbe. I dipinti trasparenti sono esposti alla luce artificiale - alla luce aggressiva. 6 Backstage light. Sono analizzati e sezionati. E come in una radiografia ciascun dipinto DEVE fallire - fallire la sua bellezza - perché nulla è celato.

Adele Röder. COMCORRÖDER. En-Lightening / En-Visioning / En-Signing "Come superare la rigidità del tessuto, la sua natura inanimata, regolare e astratta, e spiegare le sue possibili forme su un corpo femminile [sulla superficie del mondo?] Come ottenere effetti plastici in grado di evidenziare, senza l'uso del tatto, le caratteristiche metriche di trama, spessore, peso e colore? Come procedere dall'idea di De-Sign all'idea di En-Sign?". 7

1 Ei and Tomoo Arakawa. Tomoo runs a suntanning business named Blacky (near Fukushima).
2 (3 units = 1 table)
3 for BLACKY Blocked Radiants Sunbathed from Glow Rod Tanning Series by Kerstin Brätsch for DAS INSTITUT and UNITED BROTHERS
4 ... this invented world, / ?The inconceivable idea of the sun"
5 Poussin su Caravaggio "distruggere la pittura".
6 Ci sono inoltre aggressori nascosti nei dipinti: capelli, spine, lanugine...
7 Antonella Huber.

PressOffice: Cristina Pariset T.+39 024812584 F.+39 024812486 Cell.+39 3485109589

20124 MILANO
TEL +39 02 2940 4373
FAX +39 02 2940 5573



Lives and works in New York City


2001-2009 UdK, University for the Arts Berlin (Meisterschüler Prof. Lothar Baumgarten)

2005-2007 MfA, Columbia University, School of the Arts, NYC


2005-2006 FULBRIGHT

2007-2008 Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

2007 Rema Hort Mann Foundation

2010 1. Prix de Quartier des Bain, Geneva , as DAS INSTITUT

2010 Kunstzeitraum, Pin / Südhausbau, as DAS INSTITUT



The Poster Show, Calier/ Gebauer, Berlin (GER) curated by Bettina Busse as DAS INSTITUT

BLACKY Blocked Radiants Sunbathed, Art Institute of Chicago, (USA) Performance United Brothers with DAS INSTITUT

Glow Rod Tanning with...., Gio Marconi, Milano (I), Kerstin Brätsch with Martino Gamper in cooperation with ComcorRöder Pop Up Store

Mr. C?, Graff Mourgue DÀllgue, Geneva (CH) as DAS INSTITUT


Crepe de Chine, Ooga Booga, Los Angeles (USA) as DAS INSTITUT with UNITED BROTHERS

Bridges and Tunnels II, Hard Hat, Genever (CH) as DAS INSTITUT

Jahresgaben, Westfälischer Kunstverein (GER) as DAS INSTITUT

Jahresgaben, Kunstverein München (GER) as DAS INSTITUT with UNITED BROTHERS

Jahresgaben, Kölnischer Kunstverein (GER) as DAS INSTITUT with Albrecht Fuchs

Jahresgaben, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein (GER) as DAS INSTITUT

BLACKY Blocked Radiants Sunbathed, Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg, (GER) (Solo) as DAS INSTITUT with United Brothers and Nhu Duong

Vorahnung (United Brothers and Sisters), Kunsthalle Zürich im Museum Bärengasse (CH) Kerstin Brätsch / Adele Röder (Solo)

GSK (Gesellschaft für streitorientierte Kulturforschung), Düsseldorf (GER)

Marking by Disclosure, Essexstreet (USA) as DAS INSTITUT with Ei Arakawa/ United Brothers

Group Affinity, Kunstverein München (GER) workshop with Grand Openings

Hasta Manana, Greene Naftali Gallery (USA) as DAS INSTITUT with Ei Arakawa/ United Brothers

Number 5: Cities of Gold, Collection Stoschek, Düsseldorf, (GER) as DAS INSTITUT

Treat your Own Neck, Deste Foundation, Athens (Gr) as DAS INSTITUT

Illuminations, 54 rd Venice Bienial, Venice, curated by Bice Curinger (I) as DAS INSTITUT

After Images, curated by Fionn Meade, Musee Juif de Belgique, Brussels (B)

BaliceHertling and Lewis at Frontdeskapparatus, NYC (USA) as DAS INSTITUT

(„Nichts, Nichts!"), Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, (Solo) (Ger) with DAS INSTITUT


How Soon Now, Rubell Family Collection, Miami (USA) incl DAS INSTITUT

Jahresgaben, Kunstverein Köln,(GER)

Psy-cho Painting, Carlson/Massimo de Carlo, London (UK)

(„Nothing, Nothing!"), („Rien, Rien!"), ParcSaintLeger, (Solo) (F) with DAS INSTITUT

Ten Thousand Lives, Gwangju Bienial 2010, curated by Massimiliano Gioni, Gwanju, Korea (KR)

Held Up By Columns, Renwick Gallery, NYC (USA)

The Pursuer, Greene Naftali, NYC (USA)

BroadwayBrätsch/Corporate Abstraction, Statements Art Basel 41, Basel (Solo) (CH) incl DAS INSTITUT

Greater New York, PS1, NYC, curated by Klaus Biesenbach, Connie Butler, Nedville Wakefield (USA)

Thus!, New Jerseyy, Basel (Solo) (CH) as DAS INSTITUT

Behind The C urtain, Gio Marconi, Milan (I)

The Inhabitants, Vilma Gold, London (GB) as DAS INSTITUT

KAYA, 179 Canal Street, NYC (Solo) (USA) Kerstin Brätsch and Debo Eilers

And so on, And so on, Harris Lieberman Gallery, NYC (USA) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Matt Sheridan Smith)

Vertically Integrated Manufacturing, Murray Guy Gallery, NYC (USA) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Jacob King)

Leopards in the Temple, Sculpture Center, NYC (USA) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Fionn Meade)


Piggy Banks, Samsa Berlin (D) as DAS INSTITUT

Klara Liden, Kerstin Brätsch and DAS INSTITUT

NSNG SHOW- Ei Arakawa w Nick Mauss w Nikolas Gambaroff w Nora Schulz, Carissa Rodriguez, Klara Liden, Kerstin Brätsch and DAS INSTITUT (Swiss Spa ca va in Cooperation with a DI WHY Relax! Campaign) Kunsthalle Zürich, Zürich (CH) (curated by Beatrix Ruf)

TBILISI6, Tbilisi (G)

Bridges and Tunnels, Hard Hat Genever (CH) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Daniel Baumann)

Besides, With, Against, And Yet: Abstraction and the Ready Made Gesture, The Kitchen, NYC (USA) (curated by Debra Singer)

Gruppenausstellung, AutoCenter, Berlin (D) (curated by MaxHansDaniel)

D.I. WHY !, Swiss Institute, NYC (Solo) (USA) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Piper Marshall)

Art Berlin Contemporary, Akademie der Künste Berlin (D) as DAS INSTITUT

No Bees No Blueberries, Harris Lieberman, NYC (USA) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Sarina Basta and Tyler Coburn)

Solaris, Gio Marconi, Milan (I) (curated by Cecilia Alemani) incl. DAS INSTITUT

BUYBRÄTSCHWÖRSTGHOSTS, Hermes und der Pfau, Stuttgart (Solo) (D) incl. DAS INSTITUT

BUYBRÄTSCHWÖRST, BaliceHertling, Paris (Solo) (F) incl. Jane Jo and DAS INSTITUT

Kehraus, Abschied von stabilen Wänden, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster (D) as Its Our Pleasure To Serve You

modernmodern, Chelsea Art Museum, NYC (USA) (curated by Pati Hertling)

Younger Than Jesus, New Museum, NYC (USA) incl DAS INSTITUT (curated by Massimiliano Gioni, Lauren Cornell, Laura Hoptman)

SALOON 3 (Debo Eilers/ Jane Jo), NYC (USA) Performance by Georgia Sagri, Jane Jo, Kerstin Brätsch (curated by Georgia Sagri)


SALOON 1 (Kerstin Brätsch/ Blake Rayne), NYC (USA) (curated by Georgia Sagri)

New Images Unisex, Kevin Bruk Gallery, Miami (USA) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Blake Rayne)

Paper Scissors Stone, Nordenhake Gallery, Stockholm (S) (curated by Gyonata Bonvicini)

Hidden Treasures, General Public, Berlin (D) (curated by DiscothekaFlamingStar)

UOVO Open Office, Art Basel 39 (CH) as DAS INSTITUT

Standard Sizes, Andrew Kreps Gallery, NYC (USA) (curated by Joao Ribas)

Nichts Ist Aufregend, Nichts Ist Sexy, Nichts Ist Nicht Peinlich, Museum Moderne Kunst Vienna (A) performance by Its Our Pleasure To Serve You (curated by Achim Hochdörfer and Tanja Widmann)

Would You Like Some Coffe?, The Unfair Fair, Rome (I) as Its Our Pleasure To Serve You / DAS INSTITUT

Basso Broadway, NYC(USA) performance by Its Our Pleasure To Serve You

When You See Me Again It Wont Be Me, Smith Stewart, NYC (Solo) (USA) (with Adele Röder, Urania Fasoulidou) incl. performance by Its Our Pleasure To Serve You


Regroup Show, Miguel Abreu Gallery, NYC (USA)

Evas Arche und der Feminist No.8, Passerby, NYC, (Solo) (USA)

incl. performance by Its Our Pleasure To Serve You (Kerstin Brätsch, Allison Katz, Adele Röder, Georgia Sagri)

Exposition Nr.1, BaliceHertling Gallery, Paris (F)

The String Show, Greene Naftali Gallery, NYC (USA) (curated by Josh Smith)

Fractured in Aspect, Andrew Kreps Gallery, NYC (USA)

New Misunderstandings, Moti Hasson Gallery, NYC (USA) with Jeremy Eilers


Implosion, Room 500, Munich (D) (curated by Claudia Wieser)

Bookies, Gallery m29, Brückner und Richter, Cologne (Artists books exhibition) (D)



DAS INSTITUT, triennial report, artistbook, Christoph Keller Editions JRP Press

Vitamin P2, Phaidon Press

Illuminations, 54th Venice Bienial Catalogue , Italy

After Image, Musee Juif de Belgique Catalogue, Brussels

Art Basel 42 Catalogue

Deutschlandradio, Kultur, Radio Portrait (Brätsch/ DAS INSTITUT at Kölnischer Kunstverein), March 2011

WDR 3, Mosaik, Portrait (Brätsch/ DAS INSTITUT at Kölnischer Kunstverein), Feb 2011

DAS INSTITUT, Ringier Annual Report 2010, Thoi Trang Tre Vietnam, March

Beatrix Ruf, Parkett #88, Feb 2011

Massimiliano Gioni, Parkett #88, Feb 2011


How Soon Now, Rubell Family Collection

The Art Of Tomorrow, Distanz Press

Gwangju Bienale Catalogue, September 2010

Novel Magazine, Issue 3, September 2010 (as DAS INSTITUT)

Art Basel 41 Catalogue, Basel Statements, Basel

Greater New York Catalogue, PS1 , NYC (Brätsch/Röder)

North Drive Press Vol.5, January 2010


LMCC LentSpace Newspaper, November 2009 (as DAS INSTITUT)

Art Berlin Contemporary Catalogue, Akademie der Künste Berlin (as DAS INSTITUT)

Modern Modern Catalogue, Chelsea Art Museum, NYC

Younger than Jesus Catalogue, New Museum NYC



Hidden Darts Reader (Josh Smith Catalogue Museum Mumok Vienna)

Parkett Vol.83 (Insert)

Papermonument Vol.2, November 2008

Kastalia Catalogue, Jurriaan Benschop, 2005



Lives and works in New York City


2002-2009 MfA, University for the Arts, Berlin


2010 1. Prix de Quartier des Bain, Geneva , as DAS INSTITUT

2010 Kunstzeitraum, Pin / Südhausbau, as DAS INSTITUT



ComcorRöder Pop Up Store, Milan (IT)


BLACKY Blocked Radiants sunbathed, Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg, (DE) as DAS INSTITUT with United Brothers and Nhu Duong

Vorahnung [United Brothers and Sisters] Kerstin Brätsch / Adele Röder, Kunsthalle Zürich, Museum Bärengasse (CH)

Hasta Manana, Greene Naftali Gallery (US) as DAS INSTITUT with Ei Arakawa/ United Brothers

Number 5: Cities of Gold, Julia Stoschek Collection, Dusseldorf (DE)

Treat Your Own Neck, DESTE Foundation, Athens (GR) as DAS INSTITUT

Illuminations, 54th Venice Biennial, Venice (IT) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Bice Curiger)

Corso Multisala, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen (DK)

Balice Hertling and Lewis at Frontdeskapparatus, NYC (US) as DAS INSTITUT

(„Nichts, Nichts!"), Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne (DE) as DAS INSTITUT


How Soon Now, Rubell Family Collection, Miami (US) as DAS INSTITUT

(„Nothing, Nothing!"), („Rien,Rien"), ParcSaintLeger, France (FR) as DAS INSTITUT

BroadwayBrätsch/Corporate Abstraction, Kerstin Brätsch Statements Art Basel 41, Basel (CH)

Greater New York, PS1, NYC (US) (curated by Klaus Biesenbach, Connie Butler, Nedville Wakefield)

THUS!, New Jerseyy, Basel (CH) as DAS INSTITUT

The Inhabitants, Vilma Gold, London (GB) as DAS INSTITUT

And So On, And So On, Harris Lieberman Gallery, NYC (US) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Matt Sheridan Smith)

Leopards In The Temple, Sculpture Center, NYC (US) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Fionn Meade)


Piggy Banks, Samsa Berlin (DE) as DAS INSTITUT

Non Solo Show- Non Group Show, Kunsthalle Zurich (CH) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Beatrix Ruf)

Bridges And Tunnels, Hard Hat, Genever (CH) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by New Jerseyy)

No Bees, No Blueberries, Harris Lieberman, NYC (US) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Sarina Basta and Tyler Coburn)

Art Berlin Contemporary, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (DE) as DAS INSTITUT

D.I.WHY!, Swiss Institute, NYC (US) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Piper Marshall)

Solaris, Gio Marconi, Milan (IT) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Cecilia Alemani)

BUYBRÄTSCHWÖRSTGHOSTS, Hermes und der Pfau, Stuttgart (DE) as DAS INSTITUT

BUYBRÄTSCHWÖRST, Balice Hertling, Paris (FR)

Younger than Jesus, New Museum, NYC (US) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Massimiliano Gioni, Lauren Cornell and Laura Hoptman)


New Images Unisex New Images Unisex, Kevin Bruk Gallery, Miami (US) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Blake Rayne)

YES, AR Contemporary Gallery, Milan (IT) as DAS INSTITUT (curated by Tairone Bastien)

UOVO Open Office at Art Basel, Basel Art Fair (CH) as DAS INSTITUT Nichts Ist Aufregend, Nichts Ist Sexy, Nichts Ist Nicht Peinlich, Museum für Moderne Kunst Vienna (AT), (curated by Achim Hochdörfer und Tanja Widmann) Performance by Its Our Pleasure To Serve You

Would You Like Some Coffee?, The Unfair Fair, Rome (IT) (as DAS INSTITUT / Its Our Pleasure To Serve You)

When You See Me Again It Wont Be Me, Smith Stewart Gallery, NYC (US) with Kerstin Brätsch, Urania Fasoulidou incl. performance by Its Our Pleasure To Serve You (Kerstin Brätsch, Allison Katz, Adele Röder, Georgia Sagri)


The String Show, Greene Naftali Gallery, NYC (US)
(curated by Josh Smith)



DAS INSTITUT Triennial Report 2011-2009, Christoph Keller Editions, JRP Press


Illuminations, 54th Venice Biennial Catalogue, Italy

Kaleidoscope, BICE, special issue for the 54 th Venice Biennial

DAS INSTITUT, Ringier Annual Report 2010


How Soon Now, Rubell Family Collection

Greater New York Catalogue, PS1, NYC

NOVEL, Issue 3


Art Berlin Contemporary Catalogue, Akademie der Künste Berlin

LMCC Lentspace Newspaper (Insert)


Hidden Darts Reader (Josh Smith Catalogue, Mumok Museum Vienna)

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