Now I can finally write "the end" on my university chapter: last Monday I graduated at Ca 'Foscari of Venice (Italy). I had lots of fun with my friends during the day in Venice and at the party-night in Padova.I must be honest: just out of the classroom discussion I was touched (see last photo) but after a while we were around Venice to celebrate the day. The vote? Don't you see it written my foreheads? hihi (110/110)It was a very nice day and although I missed two dear people at my party, I could feel their presence near me. And now the fun begins... ^_^
Now I can finally write "the end" on my university chapter: last Monday I graduated at Ca 'Foscari of Venice (Italy). I had lots of fun with my friends during the day in Venice and at the party-night in Padova.I must be honest: just out of the classroom discussion I was touched (see last photo) but after a while we were around Venice to celebrate the day. The vote? Don't you see it written my foreheads? hihi (110/110)It was a very nice day and although I missed two dear people at my party, I could feel their presence near me. And now the fun begins... ^_^
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