Salve community, esistono tanti modi per personalizzare il nostro smartphone Android. Molti cambiano Launcher, altri cambiano direttamente ROM, altri ancora mettono il proprio telefono sotto un Bulldozer per cambiarne la forma: ognuno ha i suoi metodi.
GravityBox, serve a personalizzare da cima a fondo Android. Una volta installato, resterete stupiti dalla gran quantità di modifiche che potrete effettuare, e non si parla di modifiche poco utili, bensì di vere e proprie chicche.
Changelog 6.0.3 - 20/12/2015- Fixed GB settings not sticking on some devices
- Added support for auto-color inversion of GB status bar elements on white status bar (doesn't apply when icon coloring is turned on)
- Lockscreen: improved Quick unlock feature (requires user to specify PIN length)
- Power: added option for defining vibrate pattern when launching Camera by pressing power key twice
- Circle battery: improved percent text size and position (thanks to creeve4)
- Moved battery percent text to the right of battery icon for consistency with header and keyguard
- Improved support for RTL locales
- Cleaned up unused resources
- Other small adjustments (see commit history in project's github)
- Updated Chinese (Simplified) translations (thanks to liveasx)
- Updated French translations (thanks to ch-vox)
- Updated Russian translations (thanks to gaich)
- Updated Vietnamese translations (thanks to TranDatDT)
- Updated Ukrainian translations (thanks to burunduk)
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