Guitars Speak: "Cups, Glasses and Tanks", "The light and other things" e Still Nature

Creato il 04 aprile 2015 da Empedocle70

Puntata dedicata a tre diversi lavori: il primo "Cups, Glasses and Tanks" del trio Nicola Guazzaloca, Pablo Montagne e Giacomo Mongelli, il secondo  "The light and other things" di Giacomo Merega, David Tronzo e Noah Kaplan e per finire Still Nature di Daniele Camarda

This episode is dedicated to three different works: the first "Cups, Glasses and Tanks"  by the italian trio Nicola Guazzaloca, Pablo Montagne and Giacomo Mongelli, the second "The light and other things" by Giacomo Merega, David Tronzo and Noah Kaplan and finally Still Nature by Daniele Camarda