How to Delete Built-In Apps In Android Smartphones

Creato il 19 febbraio 2016 da Dher

Every Android phone comes with
built-in apps, some may be useful
and some are not required by
regular usage. The built-in apps
consume lot of phone internal
storage, for large storage capacity
devices it is negligible but for low
end Android storage adjustment is
a tough task. That's why most of
the people want to remove built in
apps for their personal reasons.

Titanium Backup can remove
unwanted apps from your phone.
Once the app is deleted, even a
factory reset will not recover them.
To remove unwanted built-in apps

follow these simple steps.

Titanium Backup is the most
powerful backup tool on
Android, and then some.You
can backup, restore, freeze
(with Pro) your apps + data +
Market links. This includes all
protected apps & system
apps, plus external data on
your SD card.

Steps to Follow

1. In order to remove unwanted
apps your device must be rooted

2.After rooting install Titanium
Backup app from Google Play

3.Open Titanium Backup app and
go to Back/Restore Tab.

4.In the tab you'll see all installed
apps list.

5.Click on the unwanted app and
now click on Un-Install option.

Now you have succesfully Uninstall The app from your Android Device.

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