How to Find IP Address Of A Computer

Creato il 01 gennaio 2016 da Dher

Hello, this trick to find out the IP address of your friend or other strangers online. By finding out the IP Address of someone, you can find out his details like - where is he from and what sim card is he using.

What Is An IP Address
A unique string of numbers separated by full stops that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network. - webopedia

IP address stands for internet protocol. Every internet users have their unique IP address. That's a numerical label assigned to each device surfing online. The designers of the Internet Protocol defined an IP address as a 32bit number.

How To Find IP Address of a computer

Go to this Website

The Instructions are already given there so, i don't have to write about it much. See the image.

After clicking on get link an another page will be opened. There you will find 4 links.

Copy any links which you think your friend will open and send it to them,
When your friends will open that link his/her IP information and location will be sent to your Email which
So, open your gmail account and go the spam messages section. There you will find those informations.

You can not ony Find IP Address of a computer but also of your friends mobile phones.

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