How To Root Android Device By Kingo By Mobile Itself

Creato il 29 dicembre 2015 da Dher


In the earlier post we are tell you that how to root Android by Pc.

Now in this Post we are explain you about how to root your Android device by mobile itself.

What is Root

Rooting is the Android equivalent of jailbreaking, a means of unlocking the operating system so you can install unapproved (by Google) apps, update the OS, replace the firmware, overclock (or underclock) the processor, customize just about anything, and so on-

As you read the one above, the rooting enables you to access many black market applications that increases your android's productivity and hence help you in making most out of your phone i.e gives root permissions on your phone. It's similar running programs as administrators in Windows, or running a command with sudo in Linux.

How To Root Android Using Kingo Root App
As I told, we are gonna do it by Kingo You do not need any computer to connect your android device. Everthing is gonna be done via Kingo. follow the guide below to know - how to root android.
Install the Kingo Root app on your device.

Make sure you have enabled the 3rd party app installation in android, else you won't be able to install this app.

After the App is installed open it.

firstly after opening the app, click on - One Click Root.
Then, the second screen is gonna appear. The root will start on it might take sometime to root so wait.
You will see a message saying - "Root Succeeded" after it is done.
Remember, Your device will be rebooted several times, this is normal So, do not panic.

Now you can also hack games and apps of android with some of the apps available for android. Some are Lucky patcher, freedom, Gamekiller.

Also there are apps many useful apps which can only run in rooting device.

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