Da Alxcoghephotographer

 Il social network/magazine HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY lancia il suo primo contest. Si tratta di un concorso fotografico che mette in palio la copertina del secondo numero della rivista. La partecipazione è gratuita e rivolta a tutti. Unica condizione quella di essere iscritti al sito.

Quindi basta registrarsi per caricare la propria immagine e avere la possibilità di vedere una propria foto in copertina di un magazine internazionale.

Qui sotto il regolamento completo:

Welcome to the first HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY contest!

The occasion is greedy. The winning photo, in fact, become the cover of the next issue of our magazine!
Participating is easy: After creating a new gallery named CONTEST inside just insert the image (one and no more than one) from the vertical cut (pre-requisite for a cover), 800 px on the long side.
After the deadline of the contest, the editorial staff will select the best images that will be submitted to a referendum by the subscribers to our site.
The images selected by the editorial staff will published in our magazine, in a page dedicated to the contest.
Here are the complete rules:

Evaluation of proposed works

The photos submitted will be submitted anonymously to the public vote: All registered HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY users  can express their preference.
The winner of the public vote will have glory, fame, eternal gratitude and the display of their work on the cover of our magazine HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY.

The publication of HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY

For each contest, in addition to the winning photo, our staff will select the participants shots in the final vote, which will be published later in the pages of the magazine in a column dedicated to our contest.

Who can participate

The contest is free and participation is limited to users enrolled in HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY. Please note that the forum membership is free HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY.

IMPORTANT: Production, transmission and publication of images

- Each photograph  sent to can be done either through a traditional digital camera of any format (35mm, medium format, iphone, camera, etc. …).
- You can not add to the picture writing of any kind (whether of title, caption, signature or other credits). And they are allowed to send pictures or logos legible writing, if these are present in the original shot. – You can not add a frame or watermark to photo. Will be discarded, at the sole discretion of the staff, all processed photos with frames or with various three-dimensional effects.
- And it’ s forbidden, until the end of voting, in any way to identify the author of the photo (including your name and enter the name in the EXIF data).
- It’s possible to send only one photo for each contest.
- Will not be allowed explicit nudity and / or vulgar, offensive violence or other kinds of good taste and morals. In these cases, HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY staff reserves the right to accept shots of particular artistic interest.
- In any case, HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY staff reserves the freedom to select and reject in its sole discretion and without prior notification any job, if it sees fit, without in any way justify such exclusion.

Subjects, liberating, intellectual property

By submitting photos you agree to the contest together with the possible publication of the photo and your details (nickname and / or name and last name) both of HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY than on other media publication that is absolutely free and excudes any type of monetary compensation.
The images remain of full property of the photographer, who sells to HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY only the right to unlimited use and non-exclusive.
Every author, by sending photos of their own, implicitly declared to be in possession of the exclusive rights of publication. In the event that should become necessary, the participant must be in possession of the authorization from the subjects portrayed. HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY in any way be held liable for damage resulting from violations or failure by the author.

Allowed post-production

There are no limits to the use of special tools for editing and post production. We, however, to point out that the objective and spirit of the contest is to encourage users to send photography pictures, “that is genuinely images taken with a camera editing where the optimization has only one function.
This means that images that clearly fall outside this area and are completely distorted, or even photo editing with the software produced from scratch, are not consistent with the spirit of the contest itself, and may be excluded at the discretion of HYDE PARK PHOTOGRAPHY staff.
In particular, will not be allowed in which photographs have been added or removed significant parts, where significant means that can not alter the meaning and nature of the original image, or that affect a relevant area of the shooting started.
The cancellation of the original background, or replacing it with panel, black / gradient change is considered significant, and therefore is not allowed.
Will be allowed Crop, Rotate, straighten and other similar operations which apply to the entire photograph submitted. Multiple exposures will also be allowed, provided they obtained by superposition of entire frames.
We invite all participants to adhere to these guidelines, avoiding excesses in post production that can effectively and too artificially distort an image, as well as any “artwork”.

IMPORTANT: Images out of rules

Anyone will send images that do not respect the rules, and in particular breaking the rules to produce images of the points mentioned above, or that do not respect the limits allowed on post, will automatically have their photo being disqualified for the contest .
The staff reserves the right to apply additional disciplinary measures in cases of particular gravity.

File formats

For the purposes of any print publication, the competitors must send two versions of the same image:
One for the online publication: the largest side of 800 pixels, maximum occupancy 300 kB, 24bit RGB JPG f.to saved in high quality, so with minimal compression (read normal JPG file with 16 million colors)
One for possible publication on paper, saved in high quality 24bit RGB JPG f.to, 4MB maximum occupancy. The image size must be:
- For images shot digitally: the smaller side no less than 1,500 pixels (if it more, better), greater in proportion to the side.
- For images from analog: the shorter side at least 2,000 pixels, long side in proportion.

Sending files

The user is invited to submit through the instrument in its dashboard. The procedure is the same when you want to upload images on the site. Create a gallery and name CONTEST. Inside upload the image by entering a title in the title. No tags are permitted and no other information.




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