Perchè stamattina mi sono alzata con questo argomento in testa?A parte la solita confusione di idee che mi contraddistingue...diciamo che da un pò di tempo, in piena crisi di identità, non ho più i biglietti da visita.Ma prometto che quando capirò cosa scriverci esattamente sopra, rimedierò subito!
MY IMPERFECT ENGLISH!In a technological age, more technological than ever, where everything become old in a week, there is a small piece of paper, rectangular, that is not sure to leave the throne.Seems incredible, almost impossible, but without it we have the sensation to be nobody.Designers create Ipad and Iphone holder every time more desirable, but they haven't stop to think that also the business card holder must be a beautiful object.I have one in metal, matt nikel, by Muji. Minimal and polished.Why this morning I wake up with this matter in my mind?Because unfortunately, living and identity crisis, I haven't the business card.I promise that when I understand well what I can write on them, I immediately set right!