Finally, the Winner of my Giveaway! Today I had some difficult to calculate and generate the number but at the end I have the name!! Hi hi this beautiful and funny baby can helps me to show you my satisfaction when I have finished this extra work. Ehmmm... well... my brain hurts at the end of the Week... so... Voilà:
MINIACOLLECTION Compliments GENEVIEVE!! (Please write me your address by e-mail so I can send you the book chosen)
Ringrazio di cuore tutti coloro che hanno partecipato al mio Giveaway. Dò anche il benvenuto ai nuovi amici che si sono iscritti al mio blog. Spero che in questo mio piccolo spazio virtuale possiate trovare amicizia e l'occasione di dimenticare anche se solo per qualche istante le vostre preoccupazioni sognando un mondo in "miniatura". Grazie di essere qui!
Thank you all for your participation in my Giveaway and thanks for visiting and following my blog. A warm Welcome to my new Follower friends!! You are very very Welcome in my virtual space. I hope you can find friendship and especially an occasion to forget your worries, also for a bit, for dreaming a little dream. Thanks again!