It ‘a debate that has been going on a decade of years since the request came the need to create an Internet suffix. Xxx contained pornographic material. Since the proposal was born, ICANN, the organization that manages the web addresses has always been waste. Waiting for the approval of the suffix ‘. Xxx’ for porn websites by ICANN, responsible for web addresses in the USA. This was announced by John Jeffrey, ICANN board member, after years of waste at the request of companies for the creation of the domain. ‘Xxx’ to identify porn sites. The motivations of the various associations and governments not to promote the project carried out by ICANN was to prevent further spread of pornographic material on web.La online pornography is now a business that pays more than $ 5 million a year, to grow more if a dedicated Internet domain prefix apposito.L ‘ICANN has also made two accounts in my pocket, because he has publicly stated that the sale of these new suffixes can earn an additional 30 million dollars a year. From Stuart Lawley, ICANN meeting said that “the social benefits that this would have several Internet suffix, as those looking for a website with pornographic material while those who do not know where to find it would clash with these sites can easily avoid them.” This is was the speech he believed the various groups to accept the offer and give the green light to the creation of. xxx.Ad oppose the project are also various industries porn now afraid to get more control and are at risk of complaints. That related to pornography online and ‘a booming market. It is estimated, in fact, anywhere there are about 370 million pornographic sites.
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