Josè Mourinho has been charged for incitement to violence. The complaint against Inter portoguese coach starts from Saronno and bears the signature of Paolo Bocedi, President of the 'SOS Italy Free' association against racket and wear, "appalled" by the sentences handed down by the Special One after the Italy Cup final won vs Roma regarding alleged prize win for Siena in the last league match.He's a Juventus fan but - ensures at the newspaper the 'Provincia di Como' - his football belief has nothing important. "I decided to lodge a complaint against Mourinho because I believe that his statements jeopardize security and public order". The complaint against Inter coach was sent by fax to prosecutors in Rome on Tuesday and today will be deposited by the Bocedi's legal, Giampaolo Cicconi. According to the lawyer, in Mourinho's words might be argued that "under Article 656 of the Criminal Code", which punishes anyone who "publish or disseminate false, exaggerated and tendentious for which can be disturbed public order".
Italia, cittadino denuncia mourinho per istigazione alla violenza - italy, citizen charges mourinho for incitement to violence
Creato il 13 maggio 2010 da RollingballsJosè Mourinho has been charged for incitement to violence. The complaint against Inter portoguese coach starts from Saronno and bears the signature of Paolo Bocedi, President of the 'SOS Italy Free' association against racket and wear, "appalled" by the sentences handed down by the Special One after the Italy Cup final won vs Roma regarding alleged prize win for Siena in the last league match.He's a Juventus fan but - ensures at the newspaper the 'Provincia di Como' - his football belief has nothing important. "I decided to lodge a complaint against Mourinho because I believe that his statements jeopardize security and public order". The complaint against Inter coach was sent by fax to prosecutors in Rome on Tuesday and today will be deposited by the Bocedi's legal, Giampaolo Cicconi. According to the lawyer, in Mourinho's words might be argued that "under Article 656 of the Criminal Code", which punishes anyone who "publish or disseminate false, exaggerated and tendentious for which can be disturbed public order".
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