(ENG) Jessica Bailiff's debut consists of home recordings that have been developed in studio by Alan "Low " Sparhawk All songs are based on fragile ethereal melodies that float in the air, sustained sometimes on a few organ notes (One year red), sometimes on electric guitar chords that are repeated like a mantra (Failing yesterday), sometimes on a single distorted drone (The sordid light of morning) Rather than sing, Bailiff whistles, making her music more ambient than folk; a pretty scaring opera.3/5
(ENG) Jessica Bailiff's debut consists of home recordings that have been developed in studio by Alan "Low " Sparhawk All songs are based on fragile ethereal melodies that float in the air, sustained sometimes on a few organ notes (One year red), sometimes on electric guitar chords that are repeated like a mantra (Failing yesterday), sometimes on a single distorted drone (The sordid light of morning) Rather than sing, Bailiff whistles, making her music more ambient than folk; a pretty scaring opera.3/5
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