Karen O - Strange Love - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 28 gennaio 2013 da Lesto82

Karen O si prende una pausa dalla sua band(Yeah Yeah Yeahs in procinto di pubblicare il quarto cd ad aprile) e incide "Strange Love" per la colonna sonora del film d'animazione "Frankenweenie" di Tim Burton,ora nelle nostre sale.Ritmi hawaiani con quel tocco dark che la pellicola richiede e che non è mai mancato all'artista del New Jersey,nata in SudCorea.



Oh, love, love is strange
When there’s beauty on the inside,
The outside there’s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change
Oh after I know, after it I want this song to love with someone watching over me
Rain or storm, the only ṗlace I wanna be is close to the heart of everything I even need
The lightening’s not frightening when you are with me
Oh cause love is not always what you think it’ll be

Love, oh love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there’s beauty on the inside,
The outside there’s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change

Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can’t judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another

Love, love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there’s beauty on the inside,
The outside there’s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change
The lightening’s not frightening when you are with me
Oh cause love is not always what you think it’ll be

Love, love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there’s beauty on the inside,
The outside there’s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change

Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can’t judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another

Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can’t judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another


Voto 7/10