Do not you think these are wonderful bedrooms? Now tell me that they cost too much and, instead, I think not ...: if the mother of invention each of these can be accomplished with little at least create similar ..... The only thing important is that, in my opinion, the rooms of our children must stimulate creativity and imagination in full .... this we can not find?? Have a nice day!
Non trovate che queste camerette siano meravigliose?
Ora mi direte che costano troppo
e, invece, secondo me no...:
se aguzzate l'ingegno ognuna di queste si può realizzare con poco
o almeno crearla simile.....
L'unica cosa importante è che, secondo me, le camere dei nostri bimbi
devono stimolare la creativit e la fantasia....
queste ci riescono in pieno non trovate???
Buona giornata!!
Do not you think these are wonderful bedrooms? Now tell me that they cost too much and, instead, I think not ...: if the mother of invention each of these can be accomplished with little at least create similar ..... The only thing important is that, in my opinion, the rooms of our children must stimulate creativity and imagination in full .... this we can not find?? Have a nice day!
Do not you think these are wonderful bedrooms? Now tell me that they cost too much and, instead, I think not ...: if the mother of invention each of these can be accomplished with little at least create similar ..... The only thing important is that, in my opinion, the rooms of our children must stimulate creativity and imagination in full .... this we can not find?? Have a nice day!