Jesolo – the first national beauty contest of the summer is aired on Rai 1, last night, led by Massimo Giletti and Cristina Chiabotto. In the nineteenth-end bonus was Miss Italy in the world, or the most beautiful girl of Italian descent. Crowned by Mara Venier, jury president, Kimberly Castillo Mota, new Miss Italy in the World 2010 has not, as tradition has it, right emotion and burst into tears protocol. Born in Higuey, Dominican Republic, 22 years next August 26, Kimberly is 1.80 high, has brown hair and brown eyes. The young and studied architecture at the same time is a model: it has two brothers and three sisters and a poignant story behind it. Abandoned by her mother when she was little she grew up with her grandmother and father Antonio which has Italian origins, Calabrian province of Cosenza. For the first time in Italy, Kimberly has a great attraction, and could not be otherwise, for our country and especially from the future architect, was fascinated by the Colosseum and the Vatican. Second place in the competition ranked Josephine Cannella, Miss Germany and Miss Amazonia in third place, Esmeralda Yaniche.
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