Kites and Joy Division: live at Scala

Creato il 11 aprile 2011 da Figurehead @figureheadblog

I wrote about the Kites already on these pages and I think it’s time to take them up to the main page again. Yes because, after months of intense music and effective management, they’ve gone through a list of gigs that took them finally to the Scala, in Kings Cross, supporting Peter Hook.

Come on you know him, he played bass in Joy Division and New order, nailing some killer riffs. The Hook, in this period of great revivals and reunions, is touring with the Lights playing a tribute to Joy Division…and I’m really curious to see who’s gonna replace Ian Curtis.

Very curious to see the full-length show of the Kites. I’ve never seen them live unfortunately but they’re told to be even better than in studio. No excuses to be late then!

This is the exclusive interview I obtained form the Kites’ singer, definitely designed for success. My questions are really rubbish but his answers are great:

How long have you been playing together as Kites?
We’ve been playing together for about 8 months but, I can assure you, it feels like a lot longer! It has been an interesting journey and we do not yet know where we are headed. We pray for calm seas.

Any noticeable gig in the past?
The 100 club was a personal favourite. The venue is steeped in history. It’s like a sticky sauna with flat alcohol and it’s all the better for it. Thank heavens it has been rescued from the jaw of closure.

Any forthcoming gig?
We are particularly excited about our forthcoming support slot at the Scala with Peter Hook and the Light celebrating ‘Unknown Pleasures’. It’s no secret that this album has exerted an unmistakable influence on our sound and it’s an honour to be playing alongside Mr. Hook and his merry band.

Anything in particular that you would like to have mentioned on my blog?
Kites are riddled with more peccadilloes than the holes of a pin-cushion but we hope you won’t judge us for that. In fact, we ask you to join us in a musical forum of flawed personas. There is no beauty in perfection.

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