KuMusic Radio Show #036 this week dj guest David Jones

Creato il 20 settembre 2014 da Pjazzanetwork
KuMusic Radio Show #036 this week dj guest David Jones
Kumusic Radio Show (www.kumusic.it) è uno show radiofonico tutto italiano, ma viene `esportato` con successo in mezzo mondo. A produrlo sono Matteo Marconi, al mixer Glazersound come dj resident, mentre questa settimana i mashup sono selezionati da Miki Stentella, voice Monika Kiss.
Il prodotto musicale di KuMusic è curato in ogni singolo dettaglio. Diffuso in paesi come Olanda, Canada, Spagna, Stati Uniti, Messico, Romania, Albania, Grecia, Germania, Regno Unito, Sud America, ha guest importanti come quello della 36esima puntata, l’italiano David Jones. Produttore house affermato, nel 2009 ha firmato addirittura 2 numeri uno su Beatport. I prossimi dj guest saranno i Magnificence. PR: ltc lorenzotiezzi.it per KuMusic
KuMusic Radio Show #036 this week dj guest David Jones ///Kumusic Radio Show is a format that has been carefully studied by KuMusic an Italian company that specializes in promoting affirmed international talent as well as new up and coming ones. After producing some of the most successful radio shows on the Italian national networks Kumusic have now decided to export their own show onto a much larger platform, an international one, with the production being left in the hands of Glazersound (a young Italian producer) and Mc Fago (one of the countries top MC’s as well as frontman for Kumusic).
Monika Kiss is the female voice of the show, while mashups are selected by Miki Stentella. The dj guest od KuMusic Radio Show #036 is the Italian dj producer David Jones. He’s an estimated house music producer and in 2009 scored even 2 number ones in Beatport. Next week Magnificence. Kumusic Radio Show is broadcasted in many countries as Holland, Canada, Spain, United States, Mexico, Romania, Albania, Greece, Germany, United Kingdom, South America (…). PR: ltc lorenzotiezzi.it per KuMusic

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