La Befana.

Creato il 04 gennaio 2012 da Caroljne
In Italy, Spain and other Catholic countries, Christmas Holidays are not over yet! They last until the 6th of January, for the festivity known as Epiphany.Epiphany is a Greek word that means: "realization, discovery". For the Catholic Church it refers to the realization that Christ is the son of God.

This festivity is also connected to the Adoration of Magi (The Three Kings), who traditionally came to visit the baby Jesus a few days after he was born (6th January). The three Kings found baby Jesus by following a star. They brought him gold, frankincense and myrrh as a gift.A part from religious meanings, in the Italian folkrole, the 6th of January is known as "Il giorno della Befana" (The day of The Befana). The Befana is traditionally represented as an old woman who delivers gifts to children throughout Italy, in a similar way to Santa Claus. She is usually portrayed as riding a broomstick, (just like a witch!), but she is supposed to be good as she carries on her shoulders a big bag full of sweets and presents, by which she will fill the socks that Italian children have left. The tradition wants that the socks of those children who didn't behave well will be filled with a lump of coal.
All Italian children love (and fear a little) the Befana.As a kid The Girlfriend was telling everybody she had seen her once.
And you, do you think you deserve sweets or coal this year?Beware, the Befana knows and sees everything! Here's a nursery rhyme The Girlfriend used to sing as a child:La Befana vien di nottecon le scarpe tutte rotteil vestito alla romanaviva, viva la Befana!
The Befana comes at nightwearing broken shoesand Roman-style clotheshooray, hooray, the Befana!

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